aloha was realllllllllly fun. :D but my mom got alll KLJDLIG UGALIHG on me so i had to go home early. like RIGHT when all the good songs were happening -____- god shes so moody. it freaking pisses me off. but thats what parents do right? so theres no point complaining.
so i was talking to megan abotu vball. THERES 52 PEOPLE TRYING OUT. holyyyyyyyy crap! thats crazy D: i really want to make it >]
im soooo closed to finishing that career project. i tlaked to brannen and she said i can do a email interview. so i emailed the lady my questions. so when she sends me that back. and i'll add stuff to it, i'll be done :D COOOLLLLLLLL!
i dont know what to write. i'm so HATING home life. and LOVING school-life. its like teh WHOLE environment changes when i go home. everyone's all bitchy. and its just like SHUT UP AND LET ME BE. GARSH. all my motiviation is JUST THREE YEARS LEFT, AND I'M OUT. leaving california. maybe go to england :D but i'm just sick and tired of this place. its not even like i can transfer houses or antyhing -____- i'm jsut STUCK here. god dammit.
but thank you for making my school life amazing <3
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
aloha! toniggggggggght
aloha is toniteeeee. thats crazy! the last dance of the yeaaaaar. and may is practically over. on monday its gonna be JUNE. CAN YOU FREAKIGN BELIEVE TAHT? the school year is almost overr. that means END OF THE YEAR ACTIVITY. (:YAAAAAAAAY
where: bolsa chica
when: june 16th from 2-9
why: its a FUN bonDfire. ;D
how: school buss! (:
cost: $5 to shaaaaaaron. by june 11th :D
its gonna be soo much fun. so you should goo! yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
other than that....oh career project. i got an interview. finallly. -___- but yea. i'm basically done with itt. just need to finish that intervieww. :D
shooort post todaay.
love yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!
where: bolsa chica
when: june 16th from 2-9
why: its a FUN bonDfire. ;D
how: school buss! (:
cost: $5 to shaaaaaaron. by june 11th :D
its gonna be soo much fun. so you should goo! yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
other than that....oh career project. i got an interview. finallly. -___- but yea. i'm basically done with itt. just need to finish that intervieww. :D
shooort post todaay.
love yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
i love you
i finished reading anthem. it didnt take to loong. but i love the part were gaea was like
'i love you'
i dont know. i've heard poeple say it. and i've read it in books. but i think its never affected me this muchh. and all the trouble all of us are going through. i think a little love is all we need to make it better.
my friend is really good at making love poetss. this is one of hers. but i lovvvvvvvvve it.
'i love you'
i dont know. i've heard poeple say it. and i've read it in books. but i think its never affected me this muchh. and all the trouble all of us are going through. i think a little love is all we need to make it better.
my friend is really good at making love poetss. this is one of hers. but i lovvvvvvvvve it.
When you became my frIend
I felt a gentLe relief
As I saw yOu I knew
There woVld be peace beyond belief
The morE I see your face
My feelings grow and grow
I'm happy, its YOU(: i get to know.
Now when I think of the days
You were not around
I listened for the birds
But there was no sound.
Today when I walk outside
And see the sun and the sky
I think of how you make me feel.
I wanted to let you know,
that you're the reason I smile(:
thanks for sticking with me. :D
I felt a gentLe relief
As I saw yOu I knew
There woVld be peace beyond belief
The morE I see your face
My feelings grow and grow
I'm happy, its YOU(: i get to know.
Now when I think of the days
You were not around
I listened for the birds
But there was no sound.
Today when I walk outside
And see the sun and the sky
I think of how you make me feel.
I wanted to let you know,
that you're the reason I smile(:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
thank you everyonnnnnnnne to who commented on my post. or talked to my afterwards. it really did sorta help :D
all the amazing friendosssssss
tiffany liu (comment)
claudine (comment)
joe lee(comment)
marissa (comment)
angel. (comment)
chris (on aim)
alice(and her love blog :D)
so today= i left my spanish binder outside. on the bench. -____- and i need to turn in the bidner tomorrow. fml. i hope someone put it in the lost and found. or in their locker. basically, i need it.desperately. other than that. nothing much. bad post. a wasted post ><

all the amazing friendosssssss
tiffany liu (comment)
claudine (comment)
joe lee(comment)
marissa (comment)
angel. (comment)
chris (on aim)
alice(and her love blog :D)
so today= i left my spanish binder outside. on the bench. -____- and i need to turn in the bidner tomorrow. fml. i hope someone put it in the lost and found. or in their locker. basically, i need it.desperately. other than that. nothing much. bad post. a wasted post ><

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay. (:
I don't wanna be afraid
I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today
And know that I'm okay
Cause everyone's perfect in their usual way
So you see, I just wanna believe in me
The mirror can lie
Doesn't show you what's inside
And it, it can tell you you're full of life
It's amazing what you can hide
Just by putting on a smile
I'm quickly finding out
I'm not about to break down, not today
I guess I always knew
That I had all the strength to make it through
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay. (:
I don't wanna be afraid
I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today
And know that I'm okay
Cause everyone's perfect in their usual way
So you see, I just wanna believe in me
The mirror can lie
Doesn't show you what's inside
And it, it can tell you you're full of life
It's amazing what you can hide
Just by putting on a smile
I'm quickly finding out
I'm not about to break down, not today
I guess I always knew
That I had all the strength to make it through
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
was it me? the whole freaking time?
okay. i know this is going to be a LONGGGGGGGGG POST. and i dont expect you to read it. but its just for me to rant, and un-confuse myself. its like talking to a friend, but the friend doesnt respond back, and it gives you time to think. so i havnt blogged since wednesday. so my day, and hten in parantheses will be my feelings.
thursday: i honestly dont rmbr what happend. -__- i guess i was all hyped for ID? i think there was an earthquake today. or was it wednesday? i'm not sure. but one boring day fsho.
friday: internatioonal dayyyyyyyyyy! it was so freaking fun. (: i ate a lot of food. tee heee. churros, nachos, ice cream and PIEEEEEEE! yipee. (: me gusta pie. and we won second place :D go dragons. when i was up their dancing, i was sooo proud of our class. we pulled together and showed the school who we really are. i think we are the most talent class. :D so many excelling people! friday tiffany came over for MUN prepartaion. and she was on my aimsn, and i was on hers. :D but i think the poeple who talked to us already knew that ;D
saturday: MUN CONFERNECEEEEEEEE! it was pretty fun. sorta. i might eric and jaimie. and they were sooooooooooo cool! eric is such a cutie :D hes so hyper and yeaaa. hes's amazing. i made two new freinds! yipeeee. so i thought me and tiff did really well. and we were expectign an award. but we didnt get one -__- so yeaaa. i'm gonan look at that pointssheet and see what happend to us. after MUN i went to a surprsie 21st birthday party. it was sorta fun too.i guess
sunday: i woke up at 8.30. kinda early. but alice and jeremy were gonna come over. so yeaa. they had a walmart run and bought sooooooooooooooo much food. (: junk food to be specific. and then angel's house we go to. :D tori is the cutest thing everr.
[angel, you looked really sad. it wasnt even your shocked face. and i dotn know why. and i'm sorry if it had to do with your party. or if it had to do with me. but i just didnt get the feel from last year. like you were unhappy? cus something just didnt seem right. your emotion isnt what all of us expected. so tell me if i did sometihng wrong]
[chris, i really am sorrry. i shouldnt have left so many calls. and now i feel really bad. ipromise i'll make it up to you some way or the other]
monday: homework. shopping. i got a reallllly cute outfit. imma wear it tomorrow.
tuesday: i read poeple's blogs. a lot of them, cus i havnt read them in a while. and i felt shooo bad. you know how i'm always like "everyone changed. everyones changing, and i dont like it" welll it was ME. the whole freaking time. I CHANGED. and it didnt help anything either. i've hurt poeple soooo much. and its just unbelievable. i look back at all those times, and i hang my head in shame. its like fahrenheit 451. i finally looked at the mirror. and what i saw was not what i expected. and that basically was my day. going through all these sad moments. seeing the cuase. which was me -___- i always want the year to end. but what's that gonna do? its teh same set of friends every year. thers no point wishing for a new year. i wish i had looked at the mirror earlier. and fixed all my mistakes. but i still have time. 3 weeks. i have 3 weeks to fix the mistakes. and apologize [i got the inspiration from marissa <3]. but yeah.
i've been such a meanie. and i dont know why. and i dont even understand. i WASNT this kind of person. and summer canNOT change a person that much. so why? i guess its all my emotions. bundled upp. imma steal this from tiffany's buddy info becuase i want to. and it explains how i feel right now:
"Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground? When protection meant wearing a helmet? When the worst things you could get from boys were cooties? Dad’s shoulders were the highest place on earth and mom was your hero? Your worst enemies were your siblings. Race issues were about who ran the fastest. War was only a card game. And the only drug you knew was cough medicine. When wearing a skirt didn’t make you a slut. The most pain you felt was when you skinned your knees, and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow? And we couldn’t wait to grow up."
so if i'm realy sad tomorrow. let it be. i need to get over it. but i dont think i'll get over it soon. you know when you cry, but you dont eve know why. yea. thats what is happeing now. you heart beats a little slower. and you just wanna figure everything out. and its not going to work. and its your stress point, and your just about to breaaaaaaaak. in half. i dont even know why i'm crying now. ): ARGH. i hate myselft. and my life. if i seem happy tomorrw. then thats good. cus you cant see through my mask. but yes.
if i burst at you, im sorry. if i seem really sad, read this post again. if i dont respond or talk to you, i'm not ignoring you. i'm jsut in my own little world, trying to figure out things that will never work out. now is when i need a should to cry on. but i'm not sure i'll get one. cus i've been such a mean b***h. i wish you guys would havve told me earlieer. things could have been beetter.
the one thing i hate the most: hugs that are refused
thursday: i honestly dont rmbr what happend. -__- i guess i was all hyped for ID? i think there was an earthquake today. or was it wednesday? i'm not sure. but one boring day fsho.
friday: internatioonal dayyyyyyyyyy! it was so freaking fun. (: i ate a lot of food. tee heee. churros, nachos, ice cream and PIEEEEEEE! yipee. (: me gusta pie. and we won second place :D go dragons. when i was up their dancing, i was sooo proud of our class. we pulled together and showed the school who we really are. i think we are the most talent class. :D so many excelling people! friday tiffany came over for MUN prepartaion. and she was on my aimsn, and i was on hers. :D but i think the poeple who talked to us already knew that ;D
saturday: MUN CONFERNECEEEEEEEE! it was pretty fun. sorta. i might eric and jaimie. and they were sooooooooooo cool! eric is such a cutie :D hes so hyper and yeaaa. hes's amazing. i made two new freinds! yipeeee. so i thought me and tiff did really well. and we were expectign an award. but we didnt get one -__- so yeaaa. i'm gonan look at that pointssheet and see what happend to us. after MUN i went to a surprsie 21st birthday party. it was sorta fun too.i guess
sunday: i woke up at 8.30. kinda early. but alice and jeremy were gonna come over. so yeaa. they had a walmart run and bought sooooooooooooooo much food. (: junk food to be specific. and then angel's house we go to. :D tori is the cutest thing everr.
[angel, you looked really sad. it wasnt even your shocked face. and i dotn know why. and i'm sorry if it had to do with your party. or if it had to do with me. but i just didnt get the feel from last year. like you were unhappy? cus something just didnt seem right. your emotion isnt what all of us expected. so tell me if i did sometihng wrong]
[chris, i really am sorrry. i shouldnt have left so many calls. and now i feel really bad. ipromise i'll make it up to you some way or the other]
monday: homework. shopping. i got a reallllly cute outfit. imma wear it tomorrow.
tuesday: i read poeple's blogs. a lot of them, cus i havnt read them in a while. and i felt shooo bad. you know how i'm always like "everyone changed. everyones changing, and i dont like it" welll it was ME. the whole freaking time. I CHANGED. and it didnt help anything either. i've hurt poeple soooo much. and its just unbelievable. i look back at all those times, and i hang my head in shame. its like fahrenheit 451. i finally looked at the mirror. and what i saw was not what i expected. and that basically was my day. going through all these sad moments. seeing the cuase. which was me -___- i always want the year to end. but what's that gonna do? its teh same set of friends every year. thers no point wishing for a new year. i wish i had looked at the mirror earlier. and fixed all my mistakes. but i still have time. 3 weeks. i have 3 weeks to fix the mistakes. and apologize [i got the inspiration from marissa <3]. but yeah.
i've been such a meanie. and i dont know why. and i dont even understand. i WASNT this kind of person. and summer canNOT change a person that much. so why? i guess its all my emotions. bundled upp. imma steal this from tiffany's buddy info becuase i want to. and it explains how i feel right now:
"Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground? When protection meant wearing a helmet? When the worst things you could get from boys were cooties? Dad’s shoulders were the highest place on earth and mom was your hero? Your worst enemies were your siblings. Race issues were about who ran the fastest. War was only a card game. And the only drug you knew was cough medicine. When wearing a skirt didn’t make you a slut. The most pain you felt was when you skinned your knees, and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow? And we couldn’t wait to grow up."
so if i'm realy sad tomorrow. let it be. i need to get over it. but i dont think i'll get over it soon. you know when you cry, but you dont eve know why. yea. thats what is happeing now. you heart beats a little slower. and you just wanna figure everything out. and its not going to work. and its your stress point, and your just about to breaaaaaaaak. in half. i dont even know why i'm crying now. ): ARGH. i hate myselft. and my life. if i seem happy tomorrw. then thats good. cus you cant see through my mask. but yes.
if i burst at you, im sorry. if i seem really sad, read this post again. if i dont respond or talk to you, i'm not ignoring you. i'm jsut in my own little world, trying to figure out things that will never work out. now is when i need a should to cry on. but i'm not sure i'll get one. cus i've been such a mean b***h. i wish you guys would havve told me earlieer. things could have been beetter.
the one thing i hate the most: hugs that are refused
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
brannen media lab :D
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! i'm at the media lab for brannen. :D and i'm done with the paper. well most of it anyways. i need to do the interviw and then add more stuff. and then intro/conclusion. fun stufff mannnnnnng.
eric nguyen is playing pokemon on the computer
& this is jane noooww(= yaaaaay its almost lunch. hour lunch today. and archies talking to erika about the career paper & now shes staring at the monitor looking at what im writing.. & sighing & yeahh... okay bacck to her
thank you very much jane :D actually i was talkign to amrita about prom head stuff. and erika was staring the monitar. TEE HEEEEEEE.
hmmmmmmm. nothing much happend today. my math test was pretty easy. :D i taught allan the deriviation of cosine! hope he did good. i hope i did good toooooo :D
ID PRACTICE TODAAAAAAAY. we get free pizza. tee heee.
lunch is almost here. :D yay. like 4 minutes? and its hour lunch! but i have global concerns meeting ): btu whateves. i have 30 min after the meetign to speend. i ate my lunch like durign snakc. cus it was shooooooog good. and so many poeple took it to.
ookies gotta go now
eric nguyen is playing pokemon on the computer
& this is jane noooww(= yaaaaay its almost lunch. hour lunch today. and archies talking to erika about the career paper & now shes staring at the monitor looking at what im writing.. & sighing & yeahh... okay bacck to her
thank you very much jane :D actually i was talkign to amrita about prom head stuff. and erika was staring the monitar. TEE HEEEEEEE.
hmmmmmmm. nothing much happend today. my math test was pretty easy. :D i taught allan the deriviation of cosine! hope he did good. i hope i did good toooooo :D
ID PRACTICE TODAAAAAAAY. we get free pizza. tee heee.
lunch is almost here. :D yay. like 4 minutes? and its hour lunch! but i have global concerns meeting ): btu whateves. i have 30 min after the meetign to speend. i ate my lunch like durign snakc. cus it was shooooooog good. and so many poeple took it to.
ookies gotta go now
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
love story
i was reading isabel's blog and listening to her musica. and i hear the love story version by someone else. and i fell in love with it. i really did.
i dont like my new phone. well i kinda like it. and kinda dont. well i'm stuck with it for two more years. i wish i gota a better phone. liek pauline's TEE HEE.
id is soo soon. :D
today was fun. in a way
i worked on career project. im almost done with the written part. :D another 2.5 hours of wokr on that left? and then interview? :D i'm happppppy. i wish i was like jeremy. hes done D: all he has to do is intervieww
i had no hw today. fun right?
ID pracice this weeeeeeeek,
i lost my pe clothes and my converse. it was in a blue ccharlette russe bag. ): i think i left it at CPE. i hope some nice kind beautifull person took it. and save me. pleaseeeeeeee. i'm gonan pray for that. ugh. i hope i dont lose it D:
actually read this section of the lyrics. it is really beautiful.
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said, marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
songs are perfect ways to express how you feel. dont you think?
i dont like my new phone. well i kinda like it. and kinda dont. well i'm stuck with it for two more years. i wish i gota a better phone. liek pauline's TEE HEE.
id is soo soon. :D
today was fun. in a way
i worked on career project. im almost done with the written part. :D another 2.5 hours of wokr on that left? and then interview? :D i'm happppppy. i wish i was like jeremy. hes done D: all he has to do is intervieww
i had no hw today. fun right?
ID pracice this weeeeeeeek,
i lost my pe clothes and my converse. it was in a blue ccharlette russe bag. ): i think i left it at CPE. i hope some nice kind beautifull person took it. and save me. pleaseeeeeeee. i'm gonan pray for that. ugh. i hope i dont lose it D:
actually read this section of the lyrics. it is really beautiful.
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said, marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
songs are perfect ways to express how you feel. dont you think?
Monday, May 18, 2009
new cell phone:D
GUESS WHAT!! i got a new phone:D its the same one as marissa's but its blue. and i'm gonna add songs. HAHAH. and you guys get to add your number ;D
i'm gonna maek this post liek angels! all long. and spaced out
why. this spacing is fun!
i shoudl be studying for math. but i want to take some time to do this. cus its fun
me and tiffany are security council threee. yipeeeeeeeee. adn we have CHS chairs. (sorry mun talk.) and we want to get best delegate. TEE HEEE HEEE.
hmm. oh yea. i took a couple of face book quizzes today. uhhm nintendo character is LINK. description:Ladies man (or man's lady)! You don't tend to say much, but it doesn't matter; you are strong and attractive. All those peeps who never seem to get the girl/guy wish they were you! Keep doing what you're doing!
cute love quote:
Somewhere Between All Our Laughs, Long Talks, Stupid Little Fights And All Our Jokes, I Fell In Love.
descritption: Congragulations, you have such a comfortable relationship. You have your problems, who doesnt right? Probably been in your relationship for quiet some time now and you love things just the way things are. also, you have probably already started thinking even further into the future. Marriage, kids, Careers. Every piece of the puzzle has your partner in it.
with who? AHHAH
blog commments: from the very last one. ahha i dont remember which one.
alice: uhhhh. no -_- it was dedicated to the mexican soccer players! :DDDDDDDD
ok thats it.
id is this weeeeeeeeeeek. i cant waaaaait.
aloha next week!
and bolsa chiccccccccca. :D go guys! permission slips come out on thursdday. its gonna be so hellla fun. :D
this seems liek a short post. but i want it to be long. hmm need to add more thingss
ok. so i changed my schedule. :D i'm doing swim next year. fun stuff eh!
woww. i havnt blogged this whole weekend. basically it was all sweet 16 :D which was sooo freakign funn. i'll post up my indian-ness later. :D it was amazingly fun. and i got muscelsesssssssss. tee hee
okay. thats it. i need to figure out how to work out the cell phone. and finish math! and i should start career project. but not tonight. too tired.
good night beautifuls :D
i'm gonna maek this post liek angels! all long. and spaced out
why. this spacing is fun!
i shoudl be studying for math. but i want to take some time to do this. cus its fun
me and tiffany are security council threee. yipeeeeeeeee. adn we have CHS chairs. (sorry mun talk.) and we want to get best delegate. TEE HEEE HEEE.
hmm. oh yea. i took a couple of face book quizzes today. uhhm nintendo character is LINK. description:Ladies man (or man's lady)! You don't tend to say much, but it doesn't matter; you are strong and attractive. All those peeps who never seem to get the girl/guy wish they were you! Keep doing what you're doing!
cute love quote:
Somewhere Between All Our Laughs, Long Talks, Stupid Little Fights And All Our Jokes, I Fell In Love.
descritption: Congragulations, you have such a comfortable relationship. You have your problems, who doesnt right? Probably been in your relationship for quiet some time now and you love things just the way things are. also, you have probably already started thinking even further into the future. Marriage, kids, Careers. Every piece of the puzzle has your partner in it.
with who? AHHAH
blog commments: from the very last one. ahha i dont remember which one.
alice: uhhhh. no -_- it was dedicated to the mexican soccer players! :DDDDDDDD
ok thats it.
id is this weeeeeeeeeeek. i cant waaaaait.
aloha next week!
and bolsa chiccccccccca. :D go guys! permission slips come out on thursdday. its gonna be so hellla fun. :D
this seems liek a short post. but i want it to be long. hmm need to add more thingss
ok. so i changed my schedule. :D i'm doing swim next year. fun stuff eh!
woww. i havnt blogged this whole weekend. basically it was all sweet 16 :D which was sooo freakign funn. i'll post up my indian-ness later. :D it was amazingly fun. and i got muscelsesssssssss. tee hee
okay. thats it. i need to figure out how to work out the cell phone. and finish math! and i should start career project. but not tonight. too tired.
good night beautifuls :D
Saturday, May 16, 2009
sweet 16!
i havnt blogged in a whilee. :D but yea. some interesting stuff did happen.
ID has been productive and fun.
me and marissa are sadies heads for next year :D
angel, isabel, alice, and jeremy, and tim, are all in IC next yearr!
my bff's sweeet 16 is TODAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. i'm so freaking excited. we went to her house last night for dance practice. and like her mom had the henna thng. the thigns that we indians put on our hands ;D so after practice i put it for like all the mommies. and my friend. and then myself. so dont freak out if you see it >]
i was totaaaaaaaaaaly gonna sleep in last night, cus i'm probably not gonna sleep tonight. but alice called me at eight in the morning -__- and i couldnt go back to sleep. this was our convo. imagine alice all excited and jumpy in the morn. and me all cranky, and sleepy
alice: ARCHIE! are you going to relay for life?
me: no
alice: why not?
me: i have a sweet 16 to go to.
chris: (which was really random. but then again. not so random). DID YOU FORGET TO TUR IN YOUR WAIVER? (me feeling -_______________- no i'm not an idiot. i turn stuff in).
me: no. i'm going to a sweet 16 today
chris: so?
me: its my bff's sweet 16. i'm gonna be busy all day
chris: i thought i was your bff.
and then it went all fuzzy. and i think alice took the phone from him? i dont know. so i try to go back to sleeep. but that really doesnt help. HAHAHAH. but btw. you are my bff. ;D but your the guy bff. i have a list. HAHAH.
i emailed mr. rosenberg today! abotu getting the security council position with tiffany :D we'll see what he sayyys.
hmm. anything else. OH! sho we're all gonna go take pictures in front of a fountain. like four families. i think the fountain near cerritos high. the one hte the sidewalk street. so if you see me, admire my beauty. HAHAHHAAHH. FUNNNNNNNNNNAY. i crack myself up.
OH ID PRACTICE. so it was rellly fun yesterday :D GO MARISSA FOR HER TALK! it was very inspirational. <3. but yea. it was me afraz marissa and angel in the back. marissa went up in the front to see how it looked. and angel was feeling really sick, so she went to the front to.
so me and afraz were stuck in the back. and we made sooooooo many mistakes during the dance >] cus he always messed up. HAHAH. and then we saw some mexican's play soccer. and they were soooooooooooooooooooo craaazy! it was like. DAAANG.
but yeaa. i'm super high. and excited. but i have soo much to do. i need to paint my nails. fix my hair. fix my dress. wear a LITTLE bit of makeup. nto to much cus i dont like it. then yeaaaa. go take pics like at 4? so i have timeeee. but yea. fun stuff maaaang. i'll put the pictures up sooon!
id practice tomorrow from 2-5. if your not there, then your not part of the stunt. so be there. or be CIRCLE. (tee hee isabel.) >]
ID has been productive and fun.
me and marissa are sadies heads for next year :D
angel, isabel, alice, and jeremy, and tim, are all in IC next yearr!
my bff's sweeet 16 is TODAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. i'm so freaking excited. we went to her house last night for dance practice. and like her mom had the henna thng. the thigns that we indians put on our hands ;D so after practice i put it for like all the mommies. and my friend. and then myself. so dont freak out if you see it >]
i was totaaaaaaaaaaly gonna sleep in last night, cus i'm probably not gonna sleep tonight. but alice called me at eight in the morning -__- and i couldnt go back to sleep. this was our convo. imagine alice all excited and jumpy in the morn. and me all cranky, and sleepy
alice: ARCHIE! are you going to relay for life?
me: no
alice: why not?
me: i have a sweet 16 to go to.
chris: (which was really random. but then again. not so random). DID YOU FORGET TO TUR IN YOUR WAIVER? (me feeling -_______________- no i'm not an idiot. i turn stuff in).
me: no. i'm going to a sweet 16 today
chris: so?
me: its my bff's sweet 16. i'm gonna be busy all day
chris: i thought i was your bff.
and then it went all fuzzy. and i think alice took the phone from him? i dont know. so i try to go back to sleeep. but that really doesnt help. HAHAHAH. but btw. you are my bff. ;D but your the guy bff. i have a list. HAHAH.
i emailed mr. rosenberg today! abotu getting the security council position with tiffany :D we'll see what he sayyys.
hmm. anything else. OH! sho we're all gonna go take pictures in front of a fountain. like four families. i think the fountain near cerritos high. the one hte the sidewalk street. so if you see me, admire my beauty. HAHAHHAAHH. FUNNNNNNNNNNAY. i crack myself up.
OH ID PRACTICE. so it was rellly fun yesterday :D GO MARISSA FOR HER TALK! it was very inspirational. <3. but yea. it was me afraz marissa and angel in the back. marissa went up in the front to see how it looked. and angel was feeling really sick, so she went to the front to.
so me and afraz were stuck in the back. and we made sooooooo many mistakes during the dance >] cus he always messed up. HAHAH. and then we saw some mexican's play soccer. and they were soooooooooooooooooooo craaazy! it was like. DAAANG.
but yeaa. i'm super high. and excited. but i have soo much to do. i need to paint my nails. fix my hair. fix my dress. wear a LITTLE bit of makeup. nto to much cus i dont like it. then yeaaaa. go take pics like at 4? so i have timeeee. but yea. fun stuff maaaang. i'll put the pictures up sooon!
id practice tomorrow from 2-5. if your not there, then your not part of the stunt. so be there. or be CIRCLE. (tee hee isabel.) >]
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
long day!
i would say that today was a long, but productive day (: i actually got some stuff done on craazy tuesdaay. so rosenberg post-ponnnned the test thursdday. :D
TODAY WAS MY INTERVIEW! D: or :D i dont know. i want the results. i'm so anxious. but whats really bugging me is that none of them are telling me when. "whenever we feel like it" -_______________- ooooooook then. i guess this makes me more patient. well it helps me WORK on it. but i dont think it would help? haha idk.
so after school i finished my bio hw and the spanish folder. and then i walked home. then i did my participation/homework points. then i did math. :D and after taht i started researchign for my career project. i got all the information. so now i all i have to do is write the paper and fidn a person for the interview. which is VERRRY HARD! i cant find anyone who's a newscaster/news anchor. do you guys know anyone? cus that would help me sooo much right now :D after that. me and jeremy studied teh brannen vocab. we learned all 52 words in 47 minutes. that craaaaaaaaaaaazy. it was pretty easy though. and now i'm working on this blog post. :D fun and productive right? sho yea. after this, more reesearching stuff for mi proyectooooooooo! cus its due pretty sooon :D or i might start to study history again. either one of thosee.
when i came back from school today there was this stray dog. and it was shooo cute. so i put evverything inside my room. and went outside to help it find its home. by like lookign at the tag and callign the poeple and all. actually i played with it, and my dad called. cus hes the parent :D ahaha. but it was soooooooooooooooooo sad. ): the dog was crying. like you could see the tears coming down. and then my mom was like i found two other dogs. the other one was like HUGE and it looked like a wolf. the one that i played with was liek a golden brownish. it was pretty small. and the other one was a black dog. i didnt see it. i didnt come to me. the wolf dog came to our house, and then went to some other house. but i was soo sadd. cus our street has recklass drivers, and what if the dogs got hurt?? D: i was on the verge of crying. but i didnt. cus my parents would totaaaaaaally tease me. ): but it was shoo sad. it really was. and i wanted to keep it too. cus if the owner was like IAGIHGALKDJS ;OF GH. i could keep it. but my parents said no. and my brother was TOTALLY freaking out. it was hillarious. he was soo nice to me for those couple of minutes. :D but yea. i hope the dogs are safe now. i dont know what happend to them.
me and claudine finally had our "catching up talk". YAAAY! its been soo long since we talked. and we realized that we've never had a class together. but volleyball and choir with angel and claudine ftw. (: YAAY
GOOD JOB ISABEL! for color gaurrrrrrrrrd. they loved all of you. (:
uhh. yea i dont know last times comments. >] so no comment replies this time. shorrrryr. :D
imma go look for interviews now. its soo haaard! arggh.
TODAY WAS MY INTERVIEW! D: or :D i dont know. i want the results. i'm so anxious. but whats really bugging me is that none of them are telling me when. "whenever we feel like it" -_______________- ooooooook then. i guess this makes me more patient. well it helps me WORK on it. but i dont think it would help? haha idk.
so after school i finished my bio hw and the spanish folder. and then i walked home. then i did my participation/homework points. then i did math. :D and after taht i started researchign for my career project. i got all the information. so now i all i have to do is write the paper and fidn a person for the interview. which is VERRRY HARD! i cant find anyone who's a newscaster/news anchor. do you guys know anyone? cus that would help me sooo much right now :D after that. me and jeremy studied teh brannen vocab. we learned all 52 words in 47 minutes. that craaaaaaaaaaaazy. it was pretty easy though. and now i'm working on this blog post. :D fun and productive right? sho yea. after this, more reesearching stuff for mi proyectooooooooo! cus its due pretty sooon :D or i might start to study history again. either one of thosee.
when i came back from school today there was this stray dog. and it was shooo cute. so i put evverything inside my room. and went outside to help it find its home. by like lookign at the tag and callign the poeple and all. actually i played with it, and my dad called. cus hes the parent :D ahaha. but it was soooooooooooooooooo sad. ): the dog was crying. like you could see the tears coming down. and then my mom was like i found two other dogs. the other one was like HUGE and it looked like a wolf. the one that i played with was liek a golden brownish. it was pretty small. and the other one was a black dog. i didnt see it. i didnt come to me. the wolf dog came to our house, and then went to some other house. but i was soo sadd. cus our street has recklass drivers, and what if the dogs got hurt?? D: i was on the verge of crying. but i didnt. cus my parents would totaaaaaaally tease me. ): but it was shoo sad. it really was. and i wanted to keep it too. cus if the owner was like IAGIHGALKDJS ;OF GH. i could keep it. but my parents said no. and my brother was TOTALLY freaking out. it was hillarious. he was soo nice to me for those couple of minutes. :D but yea. i hope the dogs are safe now. i dont know what happend to them.
me and claudine finally had our "catching up talk". YAAAY! its been soo long since we talked. and we realized that we've never had a class together. but volleyball and choir with angel and claudine ftw. (: YAAY
GOOD JOB ISABEL! for color gaurrrrrrrrrd. they loved all of you. (:
uhh. yea i dont know last times comments. >] so no comment replies this time. shorrrryr. :D
imma go look for interviews now. its soo haaard! arggh.
Monday, May 11, 2009
ic interview. tomorrow?
i just realized my interview was tomorrow. well i actually knew it was tomorrow. but i didnt think it would come soooo fast! D: i was like "omg, tuesday is so far away. i wish i was like last week" and then its TOMORROW! tomorrow? really? i need to calm down. too hyper much? TEE HEEE.
SHO YEA. ID practice was fun today. :D but it was coollld towards the end.
hmm. i should really start on my brannen career project. OH OH OH. i switched from archaeologist to news anchor duddette :D isnt that cool? i was so scared to talk to brannnen, but she let me change :D
OH KNOW! unsats are due tonight. that means teachers probably finished their grades. that means i need to go to ABI. oh joy.
ID IS SOOO SOOOOOOOOON. i'm really excited. :D
SHO YEA. ID practice was fun today. :D but it was coollld towards the end.
hmm. i should really start on my brannen career project. OH OH OH. i switched from archaeologist to news anchor duddette :D isnt that cool? i was so scared to talk to brannnen, but she let me change :D
OH KNOW! unsats are due tonight. that means teachers probably finished their grades. that means i need to go to ABI. oh joy.
ID IS SOOO SOOOOOOOOON. i'm really excited. :D
Sunday, May 10, 2009
first the lakers lose :D brooks was AMAZING today. especially with all of his pointsss for the ROCKETS! second. celtics WIN! omg. that was a craaaaaaaaaaazy game. like honestly. it was a 94-93 win! and davis made the last shot. you know the time? it was 0.0. that TOTALLY beats fisher's .34 shot doesnt it? cus this was crazier. wouldnt you say? so tomorrow imam go to school with CELTICS PRIDE. and i'm probably gonan get beat up by kevin, and joe, and afraz. but i have josh and andrew. :D YAYYY! amazing much?
and then i went to my friends house for her sweet 16 planning, which is on SATURDAY. WOOT. SO EXCITED. :D we made the centerpieces. and their shooooooooo prettty. :D thanks to me. hahaha. and we had dance practice, and we saw the picture slide shows. dude. i was skinny when i was young :D what happend? i dont know. AHHAHAHAHAH.
and then rosenberg changed the test from tuesday to wednesday! yipeee :D more time for me to ESTUDIAR.
oh oh oh! and i'm going to reply to commentts :D coolios right? haha. not really. cus a lot of poeple do it.
priyanka: haha. i wasn't talking about life when i meant the lines and triangles. life is acutally and DECOGON. with a whole mess of stuff. but its unique. :D no. i meant something tottttttttally different for that post ;D and i'm not gonna say what. TEE HEE.
oh. wanna see that BEAUTIFUL SHOT BY DAVIS? its rigggggggght here. :D
first the lakers lose :D brooks was AMAZING today. especially with all of his pointsss for the ROCKETS! second. celtics WIN! omg. that was a craaaaaaaaaaazy game. like honestly. it was a 94-93 win! and davis made the last shot. you know the time? it was 0.0. that TOTALLY beats fisher's .34 shot doesnt it? cus this was crazier. wouldnt you say? so tomorrow imam go to school with CELTICS PRIDE. and i'm probably gonan get beat up by kevin, and joe, and afraz. but i have josh and andrew. :D YAYYY! amazing much?
and then i went to my friends house for her sweet 16 planning, which is on SATURDAY. WOOT. SO EXCITED. :D we made the centerpieces. and their shooooooooo prettty. :D thanks to me. hahaha. and we had dance practice, and we saw the picture slide shows. dude. i was skinny when i was young :D what happend? i dont know. AHHAHAHAHAH.
and then rosenberg changed the test from tuesday to wednesday! yipeee :D more time for me to ESTUDIAR.
oh oh oh! and i'm going to reply to commentts :D coolios right? haha. not really. cus a lot of poeple do it.
priyanka: haha. i wasn't talking about life when i meant the lines and triangles. life is acutally and DECOGON. with a whole mess of stuff. but its unique. :D no. i meant something tottttttttally different for that post ;D and i'm not gonna say what. TEE HEE.
oh. wanna see that BEAUTIFUL SHOT BY DAVIS? its rigggggggght here. :D
Saturday, May 9, 2009
triangle vs. line
today was sooooooooooo boring. i finihsed most of my homework. everything but brannen stuff. >] and i was like since i didnt have time to think. i'm going to think. think meaning like NON school stuff. more like. what i wanna do, lifeeee, social stufff. :D
so now. i'm gonna go all math-y on you guys :D read if you want. it MIGHT make sense, but if it doesnt. sorry :D
so a triangle is complicated. it has 3 points; 3 angles to deal about, and with this stuff you have the sin, cosin, and tan. there so many things that CAN go wrong with the calculation. and if it does, your screwwed.
but look at a line. a straaaaaaight line, with only two points. the only thing you need to know: its 180 degrees. see how simple it is? nothing can POSSIBLY go wrong. so!
a line is better than a triangle. even if a point has to be eliminated. why? we need our lives to be simple. the less points, the less to worry about.
i'm not a total math nerd. xD theres a whole DIFFERENT meaning hidden inside. use your brannen skills and find the actuall thing? cus this whoooooooooooooooole thing is just imagery, and symbols. honestly, i dont care about math.
and now. just cus you read this whoole post. abotu math. on a saturday. you get a littile surprisee.
i <3>
dang it. surprise not working ): sorry guys. overall bad/wierd post.
so now. i'm gonna go all math-y on you guys :D read if you want. it MIGHT make sense, but if it doesnt. sorry :D
so a triangle is complicated. it has 3 points; 3 angles to deal about, and with this stuff you have the sin, cosin, and tan. there so many things that CAN go wrong with the calculation. and if it does, your screwwed.
but look at a line. a straaaaaaight line, with only two points. the only thing you need to know: its 180 degrees. see how simple it is? nothing can POSSIBLY go wrong. so!
a line is better than a triangle. even if a point has to be eliminated. why? we need our lives to be simple. the less points, the less to worry about.
i'm not a total math nerd. xD theres a whole DIFFERENT meaning hidden inside. use your brannen skills and find the actuall thing? cus this whoooooooooooooooole thing is just imagery, and symbols. honestly, i dont care about math.
and now. just cus you read this whoole post. abotu math. on a saturday. you get a littile surprisee.
i <3>
dang it. surprise not working ): sorry guys. overall bad/wierd post.
Friday, May 8, 2009
cheer up peeeps. :D
today i was actually happy. but my friend's werent. so that makes me worried. so all you sad, afraid, worried, stressed, friends! cheer up :D we have good times to look forward to, like SUMMMMMER. and i'm here if you need to rant <3
today was boring. i think i've been saying that for the past couple of days. uhh. i dont know. i feel like school goes like a blur. and when i sit to type my little blog, everything just vanishes away. its kinda freaky. either i'm being really unobservant or nothiing is happening at my school life.
i want this year to end :D well, school year. i'm so ovvvvvvvvvver this year. OH! me and jeremy are gonna try out for aspects >] cool eh? OH! i wonder who one the wave board today.we had that demonstration, and they were gonna do the drawing at tthe end of the day. i want to knoooow :D
i'm sooooooooo freaking tireed! ahh. i finished my history notes. :D so this weekend will be brannen stuff!
-open mind picture
-opne mind essay
-study vocab for unit test
-career project
adn then study for history test.
oh i remember a highlit of the day. it wasnt really a highlit. it was a LOWlit. HAHAH. get it? get it? get it? >] TEE HEEE. catherine was a total HIGH CRAZY GIRL duriing ID. and right before coming she did something realllllllllly stupid. -____________- lets see what happens to me becuase of what she did on monday. T^T
i'm soooo slleeeepy. i think imma go to bed early! oh, alice and catherine if you read this, call me tomorrow. we need to stuyd for history. my house tomorrow? call me,.
today was boring. i think i've been saying that for the past couple of days. uhh. i dont know. i feel like school goes like a blur. and when i sit to type my little blog, everything just vanishes away. its kinda freaky. either i'm being really unobservant or nothiing is happening at my school life.
i want this year to end :D well, school year. i'm so ovvvvvvvvvver this year. OH! me and jeremy are gonna try out for aspects >] cool eh? OH! i wonder who one the wave board today.we had that demonstration, and they were gonna do the drawing at tthe end of the day. i want to knoooow :D
i'm sooooooooo freaking tireed! ahh. i finished my history notes. :D so this weekend will be brannen stuff!
-open mind picture
-opne mind essay
-study vocab for unit test
-career project
adn then study for history test.
oh i remember a highlit of the day. it wasnt really a highlit. it was a LOWlit. HAHAH. get it? get it? get it? >] TEE HEEE. catherine was a total HIGH CRAZY GIRL duriing ID. and right before coming she did something realllllllllly stupid. -____________- lets see what happens to me becuase of what she did on monday. T^T
i'm soooo slleeeepy. i think imma go to bed early! oh, alice and catherine if you read this, call me tomorrow. we need to stuyd for history. my house tomorrow? call me,.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
you belong with me. :D
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do
I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me
Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say your fine I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me
Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.
Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do
I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me
Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say your fine I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me
Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.
Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
bio study!
i really should be studyign for bio right now. but i already studied a little wiht tiffanny :D mr. tseng forgot to give our period the homework worksheet thing, and i think it would have helped us a lottttttttttt! but i didnt get it. i guess imma borrow joe's and use his during lunch or something :D
other than that? OH RIGHT. MY VIDDEO. well taylor swift's video >]
Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me video
tomorrow is anusha's bday. wish her a happy birthday!
my this week is going pretty fast. but i dont mind. cus i want this year to end.
i sorta wanna take swim but i sorta dont. but yeaaaah. i need to raise my grades up first. 4.0 pleaseeeeee! that means my history and math grade MUST go up. they have to. i have like waht 5 weeks? i can do it? I CAN DO IT. te hee :D i might need some help with thatt.
uhh. i think thats aboutt it. i really cant stretcch out my posts like angel can,.
OH! yea. i cant find the comment button on isabel's blogg. BUT. i totaaaaaaaaaaly understand you girlie :D you know what i did?? i just leave them alone. why? becuase they LOST a good friend. (ME, us). so dont feel sad. :D <3
other than that? OH RIGHT. MY VIDDEO. well taylor swift's video >]
Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me video
tomorrow is anusha's bday. wish her a happy birthday!
my this week is going pretty fast. but i dont mind. cus i want this year to end.
i sorta wanna take swim but i sorta dont. but yeaaaah. i need to raise my grades up first. 4.0 pleaseeeeee! that means my history and math grade MUST go up. they have to. i have like waht 5 weeks? i can do it? I CAN DO IT. te hee :D i might need some help with thatt.
uhh. i think thats aboutt it. i really cant stretcch out my posts like angel can,.
OH! yea. i cant find the comment button on isabel's blogg. BUT. i totaaaaaaaaaaly understand you girlie :D you know what i did?? i just leave them alone. why? becuase they LOST a good friend. (ME, us). so dont feel sad. :D <3
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
when you look me in the eyes
its been a while since i listned to this song: when you look me in they eyes. <3 i love that song. ohh! tiffany also showed me the new taylor swift video. and its soooooooooooooooooo cutte. :D i want a guy like that. the whole "i love you" note thing ;D CUTTTIEEEEEEEEEEE! so yeaah. imma put that video in this post. :D
IC interviews started today. mine is in one week. next tuesday. good luck to everyone :D
me and charles need to work on that spanish presentation. but i think we got it all downnn. :D it shouldnt be tooo hard.
OH OH OH! i finaaaaaaaaly finished my friend's present. i'm not gonna say who, cus she might look at this thing. but its so prettttttty. and i spent a lot of time on it. :D and its soo cutte. and lovable. <3
hmm. i'm still in love with sterling knight. you neveer get tired of this guy <3 hes such a CUTTTIE. seth clearwater&sterling knight& shree. notice how all of it start with s? ;D i wanted to add edward cullen, but i cant cus hes name starts with 'e' and it kinda ruins it. tee hee.
but yea. boring weeek.
ID: 17 days
angel's bday: 21 days
aloha: 24 days! :O
bolsa chicccs!: 42 days
last day of school: 43
thats our countdowwwwwwn. :D
* i dont know how to put a video up >D so i'll put it up tomorrrow. (:
IC interviews started today. mine is in one week. next tuesday. good luck to everyone :D
me and charles need to work on that spanish presentation. but i think we got it all downnn. :D it shouldnt be tooo hard.
OH OH OH! i finaaaaaaaaly finished my friend's present. i'm not gonna say who, cus she might look at this thing. but its so prettttttty. and i spent a lot of time on it. :D and its soo cutte. and lovable. <3
hmm. i'm still in love with sterling knight. you neveer get tired of this guy <3 hes such a CUTTTIE. seth clearwater&sterling knight& shree. notice how all of it start with s? ;D i wanted to add edward cullen, but i cant cus hes name starts with 'e' and it kinda ruins it. tee hee.
but yea. boring weeek.
ID: 17 days
angel's bday: 21 days
aloha: 24 days! :O
bolsa chicccs!: 42 days
last day of school: 43
thats our countdowwwwwwn. :D
* i dont know how to put a video up >D so i'll put it up tomorrrow. (:
Sunday, May 3, 2009
yea. today was a realllly borrring day. ID practice tomorrow guys :D 5-7 be there. we dont have much tim left till ID.
countdown: 18 days left. D:
countdown: 18 days left. D:
Saturday, May 2, 2009
new ideaaaaaaa :D
OH OH OH! i just had this reallllllllly fun idea. just to occupy myself. ok so i'm gonna take pictures of poeple eyes and smiles and noses, :D and put them on facebook. and people cna guess them :D fun fun right? haha. so if i ask you for a pic. dont get scaredd. ;D
so today was ID. i learned all the other dances. even though i suck at them. :D haha. i love hula and irish. and me and angel talked in stitch accent and harry potter accent. which is actually a british accent. :D and then we had lots of bonding time today :D we played 10 fingers. "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" HAHAHAH. and then kumchak game. and then big booty. and then we rolled on the grasss. :D yea. it sounds boring. see other poeple's blogs. :D
good luck for PCN guys. :D your practicing haaaaaaaaaaard. and uh. i think thats it? hmm. yea. short post.
so today was ID. i learned all the other dances. even though i suck at them. :D haha. i love hula and irish. and me and angel talked in stitch accent and harry potter accent. which is actually a british accent. :D and then we had lots of bonding time today :D we played 10 fingers. "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" HAHAHAH. and then kumchak game. and then big booty. and then we rolled on the grasss. :D yea. it sounds boring. see other poeple's blogs. :D
good luck for PCN guys. :D your practicing haaaaaaaaaaard. and uh. i think thats it? hmm. yea. short post.
can i ever just be happy?
GOD DAMMIT! once i have a wonderful school life. everything at home goes down the road. ITS NOT FAIR. i freaking always get blamed. and its so F******G annoying. iits like god doesnt WANT me to be happy. JUST ONCE. just once. for so long i've been trying to balance both out. but it doesnt. when i go home its all about SCHOOL. and BAD grades. i honestly dont give a f**k. its THIRD QUARTER. the grades dont even count. and the thing is, my moms on my side. usually. its my dad! "ALDK JIAGFHG" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. and its not fiar. its ALWAYS me. and hes SO FREAKING protective and authoritative. so i cant wear sweats to schoool. FINE. can i wear it to ID practice? cus its kinda hard dancing in jeans. "NO! ITS NOT NICE TO WEAR SWEATS OUTSIDE. ITTS INSIDE HOME CLOTHES" no its fkreaing not. and my mom was like -__- what the helll. and then he gives me a whole freaking lecture on how i dont listen to him. and i always tell him no. WELL WHAT THE HELL CAN I DO. IF I DONT WANNA DO IT? SAY YES? and then i get a whoooooole NOTHER lecuture on how hes been here for like 15 years, and how he knows the dress code and crap. NO YOU DONT! things CHANGE. the word CHANGE. but no. doenst understand it cna you? ARGH. and now. i'm gonna get the whole lecture on how "you dont wnat me here. i dont have respect here. blah blah blah" MAYBE! if you would just lisnten to me. FOR ONCE. things would change a little. WHAT HTE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?
life is cruel. i can never be happy. can i? everything is just falling apart.
its kinda blurry, but it says "i can always make you smile"
life is cruel. i can never be happy. can i? everything is just falling apart.

Friday, May 1, 2009
today was actuaally pretty fun i would saay. :D uhhm lunch. i traded with andy. :D so he got my indian cup noodles. and tim chai gave me his chips and salsa :D and then yeaaa. we had like a "teasing fight" (LOLS) with mary and abi. :D THAT WAS FUN. but it was MEAN. >] but since we all knew that it doesnt mattter, like we didnt mean it personally, it was fun (: right right? but chris cant tease people -__- well. i owned. ;D and then what else? yeaa. i really wanted a drink. but nope. ): i didnt get it. and theeen. yea. lunch is over. then after schoool! i like helped little 8th graders for like 10 min, then didn spanish project, then went to swim. well i was outside with michelle, andy, shivs, and paley for a long time. :D and we talked abotu IC STUFFF. btw, those interviews are commmmin up! and hten i went inside to watch the meet. TIM IS FAAST! he got 1st, 2nd, 1st, and 1st in his four eevennnts. but we still didnt win. stupid cerritos. but akio is kinda cuteee. but jen told me that he was like a "dumb blonde". JAHAHHA. and then i came back and went to see social deco. and it was CRAAZY! it was soooo cooooool :D i'm soo proud of theem. they got 118 poeple. but we still beat them with 122. ;D YAY AMRI! and theeen. yea. alice was gonna stay with me, but she had to leave (and i'm not mad at you. ahhaha). so me and tim had bondingg time! yipee. we played cards, and then i took him inside to see the decorations, and then we talked abotu HIS little soccial last year. and hten yea. so today was pretttty fun. tomorrow is INTERNATIONAL DAY PRACTICE! 2-5 be theeeree.
i'm reallly happy now. so imma add something else.

i'm reallly happy now. so imma add something else.

Everything changes
But beauty remains
Something so tender
I can't explain
Well I maybe dreamin'
But 'till I awake
Can we make this dream last forever
And I'll cherish all the love we share
Could this be the greatest love of all
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
But beauty remains
Something so tender
I can't explain
Well I maybe dreamin'
But 'till I awake
Can we make this dream last forever
And I'll cherish all the love we share
Could this be the greatest love of all
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
teeth shaving?
yo yo yo! i'm in the media lab durign 5th period. for brannnen! nex to me is jane and gary. gary's playing TETRIS!, and jane's searchign teeth shaving. cus apparently she has buc k teeth. but i dont think so. :D janes prettty. and then she saw this. i think shes look at this right now.
HAHAH. but back to teh story. she saw it. and she stole teh mouse adn started typing on my bblog.! but she was typing in her OWN keyboard. so she was writing in her OWN computer. not mine. yea. its sounds confusing no0w. but it was hillarious :D
blogging in brannen is fun (: OH GUESS WHAT! i'm gonna see akio today. :D and jaimini is gonna intorduce me to him. i heard hes pretty cute ;D TE EHEEEE.
HAHAH. but back to teh story. she saw it. and she stole teh mouse adn started typing on my bblog.! but she was typing in her OWN keyboard. so she was writing in her OWN computer. not mine. yea. its sounds confusing no0w. but it was hillarious :D
blogging in brannen is fun (: OH GUESS WHAT! i'm gonna see akio today. :D and jaimini is gonna intorduce me to him. i heard hes pretty cute ;D TE EHEEEE.
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