Monday, April 27, 2009

all the same.

so i read all of the blog postss. and my faaaaaavorite one today was tiff yeh's free hugs one. (: i reallly like that! we should totally do taht at the cerritos mall. but someone might jump you >] but we should! over summerr. (: we all make free hugs signs and spreaaaaaaad the love. i also love this songggg, the one on the youtube video. all the same by sick puppies. it sorta reminds me of your gaurdian angel.doesnt itt?

so my mom trimmed my hair today. and its shoort. D: well not that short. but my little pony tail is tinnierrrrr!.

wcimun awards was amazing. it truely was. for all of us who participated, it was just like. we deserve it. freshmans did amazing. jen shis gaveled in ADVANCED committee. both emily's also gaveled. :D labdhi and sayoni got outstanding. and i got commendation. i could have doen better. but whatever. we still did really good. whintey got two school delegations. one for ecosoc/specialed committees, and another for general assembly. OH. we also gaveled in SECURITY COUNCIL (: overall. AMAZING CONFERENCE. i'm glaad i went. >]

STAR testing today. history. rosenberg screwed us over. didnt you here all of us complaining??

i hate it when your horoscope is sometimes correct. well it usually isnt. but the times that they ARE. its just like. "PORQUE?!!!!!" why me? cant it be wrong all the time, or right all the time. the part that maybe makes me D: is becuase it IS the TRUTH. and i'm AFRAID of it? perhapps.
well this is what it said for me:

You thought you knew what was going on, but as it happens, you're just as confused as ever! It's a good day for you to assume nothing and start over, even with the thorniest of problems.

really. should i not assume? cus i did a lot today. and maybe for the right reasons. but according to this. i shouldnt. well not today. and i should start over. but lose everything that i built upon? starting from scratch? will that even work? i think i know where this is going. i think, while writing this, i figured it out. it says "stay friends" and nothing more. but like alice said, my mind says that. but what does my HEART say? THAT is something i have to find out. step by step. and if i slip and fall. i guesss i can always start over again. no bigs right?


  1. thats the spirit.
    its nice being young cuz our mistakes dont matter so much and ppl are always around to help us out (:
    I'm here for ya!
