so todaay. i FINALLY updated those red cross pics. and it took me forever to tag theem. go and commment :D the archie andy ones are realllllllly cute ;D of course the archie ones are cute. HAHAH. jussssst kidding. (: but yessh, go look at theem.
science we moved seats. my new table is zosa, afraz, me, and gaberiaal. :D and in front of us is allan and ralph. AND THEY ARE TALL! haha. i always have to ask allan to move his head cause i couldnt see. :D i think this table is going to be quite fun. dont you? ;D
open house today. its was sorta pathetic, i would say. you go in, teacher says hi. you say hi. teacher talks abotu student. generally "ohh shes a sweetheart. pleasure to have in class. amazing. hard working. a little bit social." every single class. but me and my mom still went. and thats exaclty what happend.
what else happend? not much really. these days are getting sorta boring. OH. more red cross interviewws. :D alice, catherine, jeremy, and chris. i waited outside for chris's and jeremy's. the reactiosn were TOTALLY different. ahha.
chris: all chill. it was fine. it was fun. -__- i should have prepared more though.
jeremy: OH MY GOD. i did so bad. i'm screwed. archiiiiie. help D: i really want to get this. HAHA. i found out afterwards that chris didnt do so well either haha. stop lieing to me boy. but i guess it was a sorta good reason. he said that he didnt want me to worrry. <3 cuttie. (:
i lovvvvve the andy archie pictures. i think i already said that. OH OH OH.
know who else i love??i'll just make a listt
-sterling knight NUMBER ONE. ;D

-edward cullen

-jacob black

-seth clearwater. <3 team seth ftw.

-dave barnes

-david archuleta

-orlando bloom

theres a longer list :O i can't believe i forgot it :O HOLY CRAAAP! my brother has it. ahahha. cus whenever i go. "oh my he is so hottt" my brother goes, wow archie. your list of guys is getting longer and longer. ahha :D he is such a cuttie.
pffft... what happened to the "Can we take a group picture," pictures? HUH!