well i really shouldnt say that. cus i should either finish my position paper or study for human or work on that stupid palmieire questiosn. but i don twant to. AHAHHA. i have time for all of that, xD
so im basically waiting. really bored. for someone so i can talk to special person. HAHAHAH, we used to do that last year. :D
gaaaaaaah. nothing to do! HAHHAHA
i'm gonna go eat ice cream and fudge after this post.
hmm. anything else to write?
OH. APHG TEST! it was okaay. i guess. :D not too bad. not to greaaaat. i dotn wanna think it was relaly easy, cus when i get it back, i get such a BAD grade.
me and jeremy FINALLY walked home! after like AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGES.
(: nothing special happend today. so bad post. make my days fill wiht interesting stuff. so i can blog abotu it. :D
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
aphg test
i'm listening ot you belong with me. HAHAH. :D my iTunes is on shuffle. and thats the one that came up. (:
jeremy i miss you! i havnt seen you in soo long. and we havnt talked in soo long. cus our walking home schedule is messed up. ):
this mun thing is so messed up. -___- tiff can only come AFTER 7. so she wants a sleepover. afraz cant come at 7 cus its to late. rishi doesnt really care. and alice has red cross meeting till 5 or something. HOLY CRAAP. i guess we can just have an ongoing party. xD and ppl can come in and out of my house. AHAHHAHAH
my aphg test is tomorrow. D: i'm sorta freakign out. but i'm sorta not. i have a b in that class now. WOOT. and i have a b+ in palmiere. WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOT. (: now i can just work hard and get an A in that class. i have an 89 i think.
oh in pamlieri we went to the media lab. but that just means that we're gonan fool around. so me and allen had so much fun in the internet. HAHAHAH. he is SUCH a cuttie. :D so is william, and joe. but i love allen more. HAHAHHAHAHAH. but yeaah. hes is such a korean fob. T_______T and a freeloader. but i do that to. HAHAHAHH. so its okay
hmm. anythign else that ahppend today? oh. vball game. i'm not even gonna talk about it. -___- uhhhhhm. i got mad at chris. annd. me and allen bonded today. :D EVEn if he doesnt think so. HHAHAHAHHAHAH. (:
oh YEAH! i hate mrs. z. she really thinks that i'm so stupid. adn putting me next to daniel ho and james yun will make me smarter. woooooow. just cus i messed up on my decimal points doesnt prove anything. -____________________________________-
OH. palmieri once again. ahah sentence freighting thing was soo annoying. but i finished it. haha. mine was soo emoooo. all of them. i had one about a murderer, and then a girl liking some other guy, btu kissing someone else,. and then a forest fire, and hten a dog being put to sleep. HAHAH. i feelt so emooo. -__-
where can i get a cheap halloween costume? i want to be a princees. :D
oookay. i get to study now. and then sleep. WOOT WOOOT
OH OH OH! allen showed me this one song. umbrella by all time low. i liek it. :D
jeremy i miss you! i havnt seen you in soo long. and we havnt talked in soo long. cus our walking home schedule is messed up. ):
this mun thing is so messed up. -___- tiff can only come AFTER 7. so she wants a sleepover. afraz cant come at 7 cus its to late. rishi doesnt really care. and alice has red cross meeting till 5 or something. HOLY CRAAP. i guess we can just have an ongoing party. xD and ppl can come in and out of my house. AHAHHAHAH
my aphg test is tomorrow. D: i'm sorta freakign out. but i'm sorta not. i have a b in that class now. WOOT. and i have a b+ in palmiere. WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOT. (: now i can just work hard and get an A in that class. i have an 89 i think.
oh in pamlieri we went to the media lab. but that just means that we're gonan fool around. so me and allen had so much fun in the internet. HAHAHAH. he is SUCH a cuttie. :D so is william, and joe. but i love allen more. HAHAHHAHAHAH. but yeaah. hes is such a korean fob. T_______T and a freeloader. but i do that to. HAHAHAHH. so its okay
hmm. anythign else that ahppend today? oh. vball game. i'm not even gonna talk about it. -___- uhhhhhm. i got mad at chris. annd. me and allen bonded today. :D EVEn if he doesnt think so. HHAHAHAHHAHAH. (:
oh YEAH! i hate mrs. z. she really thinks that i'm so stupid. adn putting me next to daniel ho and james yun will make me smarter. woooooow. just cus i messed up on my decimal points doesnt prove anything. -____________________________________-
OH. palmieri once again. ahah sentence freighting thing was soo annoying. but i finished it. haha. mine was soo emoooo. all of them. i had one about a murderer, and then a girl liking some other guy, btu kissing someone else,. and then a forest fire, and hten a dog being put to sleep. HAHAH. i feelt so emooo. -__-
where can i get a cheap halloween costume? i want to be a princees. :D
oookay. i get to study now. and then sleep. WOOT WOOOT
OH OH OH! allen showed me this one song. umbrella by all time low. i liek it. :D
"you have my heart"
Sunday, September 27, 2009
isabel's quiz thing. and guacamole!
i took isabel's quiz thingie. :D my results!
everythign is low. and isable you're NOT messed up. its just stupid HAHAH.
so today chris and alice came over to study for human. it was sorta fail. BUT NOT REALLY. the only "fail" part was that they were verbal fighting wiht each other. and my brother was like "can you guys please be quite. i'm doing hw inthe ohter room" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHH. thats hillarious.
chris came like at 2.45? and alice at 3. adn she left at 5. and he stayed till 6.30. we actually studied thouggh. WOOT WOOOOOOOOOOT.
and then after alice left. we tlaked about formal dates. CHRIS I WILL FIND YOU A DATE. so chris isnt gonna go to formal because he has no date.T________________T and all teh girl names i listed in our class, he rejected them for one reason or another. WOOWw. really. -_________- but yeah. help me think of names :D and we can make chris go! or he can just ask some girl outside of school. and he already has one decided for outside of shcool. BUT yeah. he doesnt really wanna ask her. ahahha
oh. and i didnt make guacamole. cus the acavadoes werent ripe.
so yeah. that was my day.:D and after he left. i worked on more hw. i startd my position paper. :D WOOTT WOOOOT.
i cant wait till friday. WOOHoooooooo. :D
i love you guys.
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Low |
Schizoid: | Low |
Schizotypal: | Low |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Low |
Histrionic: | Moderate |
Narcissistic: | Low |
Avoidant: | Low |
Dependent: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | Low |
everythign is low. and isable you're NOT messed up. its just stupid HAHAH.
so today chris and alice came over to study for human. it was sorta fail. BUT NOT REALLY. the only "fail" part was that they were verbal fighting wiht each other. and my brother was like "can you guys please be quite. i'm doing hw inthe ohter room" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHH. thats hillarious.
chris came like at 2.45? and alice at 3. adn she left at 5. and he stayed till 6.30. we actually studied thouggh. WOOT WOOOOOOOOOOT.
and then after alice left. we tlaked about formal dates. CHRIS I WILL FIND YOU A DATE. so chris isnt gonna go to formal because he has no date.T________________T and all teh girl names i listed in our class, he rejected them for one reason or another. WOOWw. really. -_________- but yeah. help me think of names :D and we can make chris go! or he can just ask some girl outside of school. and he already has one decided for outside of shcool. BUT yeah. he doesnt really wanna ask her. ahahha
oh. and i didnt make guacamole. cus the acavadoes werent ripe.
so yeah. that was my day.:D and after he left. i worked on more hw. i startd my position paper. :D WOOTT WOOOOT.
i cant wait till friday. WOOHoooooooo. :D
i love you guys.
"and you've got a smile that could light up this whole town"
OOH. i just had to write this
"handsome lad like you. there must be some special girl. come on, whats her name?" that line just appealed to me. xD its from hunger games, btw.
"handsome lad like you. there must be some special girl. come on, whats her name?" that line just appealed to me. xD its from hunger games, btw.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. apps were due today. and i emailed it in. i'm so freaking scared. well not really. cus i wont feel THAT bad if i dont make it. but if i do. i'll be so fereaking happy.
today i woke up at 11.30. :D i was gonna go to mun prep conference but my mom was like you look like a zombie. just sleep! so i slept/. adn she didnt wake me up. i like hte feeling of crashing. adn sleeping fore a reallllllly long time. BUT it seems like you've wasted yoru day. ): but i actually didnt. i finshed all my hw. and now i get to study.
i posted hello pictures. :D i have so many of those boys jerking. -__- and allen/joe made that their profile pictures. all you see are legs. and you can see allen's CRAZY BEAUTIFUL GIRL LIKE hair. :D HAHAHHA. i love that boy. :D
i'm excited for tomororw. (:
now i get to study. and start my position paper. maybe, i'll start it tomororw.
today i woke up at 11.30. :D i was gonna go to mun prep conference but my mom was like you look like a zombie. just sleep! so i slept/. adn she didnt wake me up. i like hte feeling of crashing. adn sleeping fore a reallllllly long time. BUT it seems like you've wasted yoru day. ): but i actually didnt. i finshed all my hw. and now i get to study.
i posted hello pictures. :D i have so many of those boys jerking. -__- and allen/joe made that their profile pictures. all you see are legs. and you can see allen's CRAZY BEAUTIFUL GIRL LIKE hair. :D HAHAHHA. i love that boy. :D
i'm excited for tomororw. (:
now i get to study. and start my position paper. maybe, i'll start it tomororw.
"sunshine that your bringing now and it makes me happy"
Friday, September 25, 2009
woah second place! second place? NO FREAKING YEAH! uhm yeah! second placccccce. :D
that was probably the most longest title ever. HAHAH. i came hoem from hello. and what i do? 1. facebook. 2. email. and 3. blog! WOOHOOO.
we did good today :D YAY LIPSYNC. it was so much fun. and we got 2nd place. 1st went to seniors and 3rd went to juniors.
so allen told me to go request a demi lovato song right? so i go and i ask the dj for a demi lovato song. and he doesnt have it. YET. he has abracadabra. and some other korean band song. -___- WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWw. its teh same dj as last year. ): and i dont like him very muuhc. HAHH. i hope we dont get him for sadies. cus that would suck maaaaaaang.
so uhm yeaah. OOHHH I FREAIING HAVE A B IN HUMAN. HELL YEAAAAAAAAH! 83.05. :D he graded teh summer reading assignemnt. and i got 50/50 THAT TOTALLYL MADE MY DAY. woooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo.
and i made a new friend.:D albert in freshie year. i'm helpign them with their position paper.
HELLO WAS FUN. :D but it was sooooooooo crowded. -_________- there were SO MANY FREAKING poeple there. adn it was really hot and sweaty. but my feet dont hurt. xD iguess those vball muscles help. LOLS. OH! and i gave allen a hug. :D and he dint run away. THERES IMPROVEMNT. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. :D
next dance! halloween :D excited excited exciteeeeed! and then formal! and then SADDDDDIES WOOT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. and then uhm. aloha? WOAH. THAST A HUGE GAP IN THE MIDDLE. D: we should have a dance activity. xD for our class. BAHAHH..
okay, imma sleep nowwwwww. :D
aw man. i forgot to wish at 11.11. ):
we did good today :D YAY LIPSYNC. it was so much fun. and we got 2nd place. 1st went to seniors and 3rd went to juniors.
so allen told me to go request a demi lovato song right? so i go and i ask the dj for a demi lovato song. and he doesnt have it. YET. he has abracadabra. and some other korean band song. -___- WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWw. its teh same dj as last year. ): and i dont like him very muuhc. HAHH. i hope we dont get him for sadies. cus that would suck maaaaaaang.
so uhm yeaah. OOHHH I FREAIING HAVE A B IN HUMAN. HELL YEAAAAAAAAH! 83.05. :D he graded teh summer reading assignemnt. and i got 50/50 THAT TOTALLYL MADE MY DAY. woooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo.
and i made a new friend.:D albert in freshie year. i'm helpign them with their position paper.
HELLO WAS FUN. :D but it was sooooooooo crowded. -_________- there were SO MANY FREAKING poeple there. adn it was really hot and sweaty. but my feet dont hurt. xD iguess those vball muscles help. LOLS. OH! and i gave allen a hug. :D and he dint run away. THERES IMPROVEMNT. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. :D
next dance! halloween :D excited excited exciteeeeed! and then formal! and then SADDDDDIES WOOT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. and then uhm. aloha? WOAH. THAST A HUGE GAP IN THE MIDDLE. D: we should have a dance activity. xD for our class. BAHAHH..
okay, imma sleep nowwwwww. :D
aw man. i forgot to wish at 11.11. ):
Thursday, September 24, 2009
is tomorrow. :D woohoo. i'm so freaking excited. :D YIPPEEEEEE. lipysinc is tomorrow. HOORRA for my first lipsync.
practice was really fun today. :D we just did run throughs over and over again. but still. it was fun. :D WE'RE GONNA DO SO GOOD TOMORROW GUYS AND GAAAAAALS.
vball game was so freaking WOOHOOT! we won both games. 25-8. and 25-15. :D WOOT. and i served really good today. more than usuall. everyone comes AFTER the first game is over. and i usually play for the first game -___- so no one comes. and then when i do scoreboard everyone comes. GARRRSH. ): thats soo not coool.
i sent grams. i bought 20. but i still needed to buy more. and then i forgot to buy them HOW WONDERFUL! -___- so yeah. and its really messy inside. ):
i love you baaaaabes :D
practice was really fun today. :D we just did run throughs over and over again. but still. it was fun. :D WE'RE GONNA DO SO GOOD TOMORROW GUYS AND GAAAAAALS.
vball game was so freaking WOOHOOT! we won both games. 25-8. and 25-15. :D WOOT. and i served really good today. more than usuall. everyone comes AFTER the first game is over. and i usually play for the first game -___- so no one comes. and then when i do scoreboard everyone comes. GARRRSH. ): thats soo not coool.
i sent grams. i bought 20. but i still needed to buy more. and then i forgot to buy them HOW WONDERFUL! -___- so yeah. and its really messy inside. ):
i love you baaaaabes :D
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
the little things that make me smile.
so! i finished my hw early today. but i'm also helllllla tired. so i'm gonna sleep early today. WOOHOOO. i really dont know who reads this anymore. HAH. holler if you read this pathetic blog. :D
so yeaah. i cant find my vball jersey and spankies. the black jersey. i have the white one. so i'm saved for tomorrow. im gonna go look for it after blogging. :D
SO. i reallly like the title of this post. :D and i'm gonna list the little things that make me smile. BAHAHAHAH. adn you can totally just skip this whooleeeeeee section. cus 1. its probably not gonna interest you. 2. i'm just doing it for fun. 3. uhm. i dont know a number three. (:
1. little tiny notes from secret people.
2. best friends hugging, as if they havnt seen each other in months. :D
3. grandma and grandpa holding hands and walking. (I SAW TAHT TODAY. AT THE PARK).
4. lyrics from the songs that seem so true.
i cant think of anymore. xD FAIL SECTIONS. HAHAAHAAHAHAH
so i was talkng to charleen today. and i found out that jackson rathbone (jasper hale) used to be the guy on disney 411. :O HES A DISNEY-ITE. holy craaaaaaaaaap. just go on youtube. and type in jasper rathbone disney 411. xD
mr. g bought me reisons. WOOOOOOOOOT. those are teh best chocolates ever. :D THEIR SO FREAKING GOOD! i found out that i cant take broadcasting. ): beacuse i have a 1st quarter sport. THATS NOT FAIR. but now i guess i can focus on MUN AUSG app. :D how fun. -__-. ACUTALLY how fun! :D HAAHAHHAH.
oh so mun! apparently theres DRAMA. beacuse of the "party" i am hosting. WOOW. just frakign woow. uggggggggggh. people can be so L;AJIDGHAGJLEJ H. some times.
i cant believe people take things so serioussssssssly. WOOOW. alkdjlighahg. so apparetnly my party is a big issue. -_____________- its not even a party. its like a mun prep thing. T__T were we work on speeches. and it just happened to be at my house. whooopdy. why? cus its closest to whitney. -__- its more conviniet. I DON’T WANT SO MANY PPL AT MY HOUSE. I acutally wanna work. not to many disturbances. and distractions. more people=more food=more stuff to boy. < st="on">alice , tiff, afraz, rishi. T___T AND i also heard that people are saying that I was a coward. and I couldn’t tell sayoni that she couldn’t come. WHAT THE HELL. well maybe its cus I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. or didn’t want her to think I’m such a LOIGH. even though I might be. GARSSH! this is so pathetic. things can be so baaaaaaaaaaaad at times. wonderful. and I had to hear this from alice cho. who isnt even IN mun. -___- and that’s so baaaaaaaaaad. so apparently this is what happened. well im not even sure it happened. so I’m not even gonna post it. LKSDJFIAHGLA JDLSIJG ALIJGLIAHSDLGANL;IUOYU385-=239U.
so yeaah. i cant find my vball jersey and spankies. the black jersey. i have the white one. so i'm saved for tomorrow. im gonna go look for it after blogging. :D
SO. i reallly like the title of this post. :D and i'm gonna list the little things that make me smile. BAHAHAHAH. adn you can totally just skip this whooleeeeeee section. cus 1. its probably not gonna interest you. 2. i'm just doing it for fun. 3. uhm. i dont know a number three. (:
1. little tiny notes from secret people.
2. best friends hugging, as if they havnt seen each other in months. :D
3. grandma and grandpa holding hands and walking. (I SAW TAHT TODAY. AT THE PARK).
4. lyrics from the songs that seem so true.
i cant think of anymore. xD FAIL SECTIONS. HAHAAHAAHAHAH
so i was talkng to charleen today. and i found out that jackson rathbone (jasper hale) used to be the guy on disney 411. :O HES A DISNEY-ITE. holy craaaaaaaaaap. just go on youtube. and type in jasper rathbone disney 411. xD
mr. g bought me reisons. WOOOOOOOOOT. those are teh best chocolates ever. :D THEIR SO FREAKING GOOD! i found out that i cant take broadcasting. ): beacuse i have a 1st quarter sport. THATS NOT FAIR. but now i guess i can focus on MUN AUSG app. :D how fun. -__-. ACUTALLY how fun! :D HAAHAHHAH.
oh so mun! apparently theres DRAMA. beacuse of the "party" i am hosting. WOOW. just frakign woow. uggggggggggh. people can be so L;AJIDGHAGJLEJ H. some times.
i cant believe people take things so serioussssssssly. WOOOW. alkdjlighahg. so apparetnly my party is a big issue. -_____________- its not even a party. its like a mun prep thing. T__T were we work on speeches. and it just happened to be at my house. whooopdy. why? cus its closest to whitney. -__- its more conviniet. I DON’T WANT SO MANY PPL AT MY HOUSE. I acutally wanna work. not to many disturbances. and distractions. more people=more food=more stuff to boy. < st="on">
on the bright note. i might go to souplantation (: for mun after party. i better get this sorted out. STUPID ASSUMPTIONS. god. i really didnt need to "justify" my reasons for this crap mang. PATHETIC.
"its time now to sing out. though the story never ends"
"so stay here right with me"
i dint know which one to put. so i just put both. :D
Monday, September 21, 2009
and a song someone sings.
once upon december. I LOVE THAT SONG. it was playing like 2 seconds ago as i was thinking of a title. so i just used that. BAAHAHH.
my life is boring as always! HOW FUN IS THAT. -__________________________-
picture day is tomorrow. i always look hideous. it so sad either my smile is messed up. or my hair is freaky. or i forget its picture day, and just go on pe clothes. T___________T but i remember now. and i gonna make it a good picture! WOOOHOOOO. i was practicing my smile too. xD FREAKY. yeah i know. but just deal with it!
hello is on fridaaaaaaaay. :D OH YEAH. i'm so in a dancing mood. like the whole week. i cant believe its only monday -__-
GUESS WHAT I FOUND OUT TODAY! we still have crazy tuesdays! WOOOHOOO. :D that was the highlight of my day. how sad is that. -___-
i reall yshould start my position paper. but i can always start on teh weekend. ACTUALLY, my goal is to finish it this weekend. :D WOO HOO. no procrastinating. well. i usually dont anyways.
AHHHHHH. i need ot get new songs. i'm so tired of hearing the same ones over and over again. OFF TO PANDORA! WOOT WOOOT. :D
our vball game got cancelled (the tuesday game). bellflower didnt wanna play with us.-___- stupid coach. HAHHA.
fail post. again. but im gonna put pictures. WOO HOOOOO. so it wont be AS fail. :D
oh BTW. does anyone know a good spanihs station to listen too? i wanna freak out my dad. HAHHA.
thats so cute. xD
vampire diaries. :D
one picture he isnt that bad in. ;D
aww. hes such a cutttttttttttie. :D
my life is boring as always! HOW FUN IS THAT. -__________________________-
picture day is tomorrow. i always look hideous. it so sad either my smile is messed up. or my hair is freaky. or i forget its picture day, and just go on pe clothes. T___________T but i remember now. and i gonna make it a good picture! WOOOHOOOO. i was practicing my smile too. xD FREAKY. yeah i know. but just deal with it!
hello is on fridaaaaaaaay. :D OH YEAH. i'm so in a dancing mood. like the whole week. i cant believe its only monday -__-
GUESS WHAT I FOUND OUT TODAY! we still have crazy tuesdays! WOOOHOOO. :D that was the highlight of my day. how sad is that. -___-
i reall yshould start my position paper. but i can always start on teh weekend. ACTUALLY, my goal is to finish it this weekend. :D WOO HOO. no procrastinating. well. i usually dont anyways.
AHHHHHH. i need ot get new songs. i'm so tired of hearing the same ones over and over again. OFF TO PANDORA! WOOT WOOOT. :D
our vball game got cancelled (the tuesday game). bellflower didnt wanna play with us.-___- stupid coach. HAHHA.
fail post. again. but im gonna put pictures. WOO HOOOOO. so it wont be AS fail. :D
oh BTW. does anyone know a good spanihs station to listen too? i wanna freak out my dad. HAHHA.

"never dreaming how our dreams would come true"
ps. jeremy. you were right. :D
ps. jeremy. you were right. :D
Sunday, September 20, 2009
heart tattoo. :D
so you know the henna things that we indian do on our hands? well i was in a spontaneous mood. and i gave myself a henna tattoo on my ankle. its a heart. and it loosk cute. HAHAH. ask me abotu it. and i'l show it to you tomorrow/ :D WOOT WOOT.
so boring post today. i can already feel it. but i really want to not stop my streak of posting. i've posted every single day since the first day of shcool. :D HAHAHAH. sucks for youguys though. you have to read it. -__- well acutally. youdont HAVE to. but you do. so yeah. HAH
uhmm. so basically it was very INDIAN-Y today. indian drums class in the morn. then sunday school. then lipsync practice. (in my indian clothes). and then indian festival. till like now. we just finished. sorta. :D its a little 9 day celebration. -____- how fun.
our SCH party is gonna be fun. :D we got rishi, alice, and tiff. and afraz is still unsure. HAH. rishi was soo funny the other day.
rishi: is afraz coming?
me: uhm. pretty sure. he still has to confirm. why?
rishi: hmm. i guessi coudl come. but it might be a problem with my mom.
me: why?
rishi: cus i'm going to a girls house. by myself.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLS. indian parents. HAHA. i was cracking up like craaaaazy.
um so yeah.
OH. i got somethign that made me really sad. i got those stupid horoscopes and it said:
Someone close to you needs to distance themselves -- but it's almost certainly temporary! Everyone needs space sometimes, and if you set them free, they're almost sure to return to you soon.
dont go away from me. please. i need you guys. <3
"you're the one i wanna chase"
I JUST THOUGHT OF AN IDEA. :D guess what song i take my lines from. its a different song every day. :D
so boring post today. i can already feel it. but i really want to not stop my streak of posting. i've posted every single day since the first day of shcool. :D HAHAHAH. sucks for youguys though. you have to read it. -__- well acutally. youdont HAVE to. but you do. so yeah. HAH
uhmm. so basically it was very INDIAN-Y today. indian drums class in the morn. then sunday school. then lipsync practice. (in my indian clothes). and then indian festival. till like now. we just finished. sorta. :D its a little 9 day celebration. -____- how fun.
our SCH party is gonna be fun. :D we got rishi, alice, and tiff. and afraz is still unsure. HAH. rishi was soo funny the other day.
rishi: is afraz coming?
me: uhm. pretty sure. he still has to confirm. why?
rishi: hmm. i guessi coudl come. but it might be a problem with my mom.
me: why?
rishi: cus i'm going to a girls house. by myself.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLS. indian parents. HAHA. i was cracking up like craaaaazy.
um so yeah.
OH. i got somethign that made me really sad. i got those stupid horoscopes and it said:
Someone close to you needs to distance themselves -- but it's almost certainly temporary! Everyone needs space sometimes, and if you set them free, they're almost sure to return to you soon.
dont go away from me. please. i need you guys. <3
"you're the one i wanna chase"
I JUST THOUGHT OF AN IDEA. :D guess what song i take my lines from. its a different song every day. :D
Saturday, September 19, 2009
you're beautiful.
i was talking to angela on facebook. and i realized that i really hate it when guys go. "you're cute. or you're hot". i dont know why. it just REALLY bugs me big time. xD
i love it when someone says "you're beautiful" or "you're pretty". it makes it seem more from the heart. liek they really mean it. it reminds of when an old grandpa still holds his wife. and looks her in the eye. and says you're beautiful as always". thats so sweet. <3
so during chem yesterday. allen and ralph were making pickup lines. well i guess they were trying to remember old ones. but my favorite one was
if looks were to kill, then you'd be a weapon of mass destruction. i've heard it before. but allen was really proud of himself when he "figured" it out. and i didnt want to burst his bubble. xD HAHAH. but yeaah.
im getting really excited for hello dance. :D it doesnt seem like school without a dance. AHHAH.
i'm sorry tiff for totally bursting at you. and thank you for fixing it. i love you dearie. :D
i totally failed at replying to comments. -___- i should start. but its gonna fail again anyways. HAHAHAHAHAHHA
chris: I KNOW RIGHT. ): alice scoot away! just kidding. allens going after someone else anyways. ;D
i love it when someone says "you're beautiful" or "you're pretty". it makes it seem more from the heart. liek they really mean it. it reminds of when an old grandpa still holds his wife. and looks her in the eye. and says you're beautiful as always". thats so sweet. <3
so during chem yesterday. allen and ralph were making pickup lines. well i guess they were trying to remember old ones. but my favorite one was
if looks were to kill, then you'd be a weapon of mass destruction. i've heard it before. but allen was really proud of himself when he "figured" it out. and i didnt want to burst his bubble. xD HAHAH. but yeaah.
im getting really excited for hello dance. :D it doesnt seem like school without a dance. AHHAH.
i'm sorry tiff for totally bursting at you. and thank you for fixing it. i love you dearie. :D
i totally failed at replying to comments. -___- i should start. but its gonna fail again anyways. HAHAHAHAHAHHA
chris: I KNOW RIGHT. ): alice scoot away! just kidding. allens going after someone else anyways. ;D
"you're beautiful. its true"
everyone's pretty in their own special way.
Friday, September 18, 2009
streess. ):
GAH. i hate my back. i have this one stress point near my shoulder. and eveyr time i stress abotu something subconsiencely, it starts hurting. and its like AHH. it freaking hurts soo much. and i dont even know why it hurts. ): waah.
TODAY WAS OOBER FUN. :D especiallly during lunch. well, the only fun part was lunch. HAH. \
alice: "woah allen, you're actually pretty cute" HAHAHAH.
DUDE TIFF. stop invitign people to the mun party. -___________________- not even joking here. i havnt even asked my mom yet. and mroe ppl=more distraction. STOP INVITING PPL. please! just SCH ppl. and thats enough. T__T woow. im fb-ing with sayoni. on chat. and she really wants to join us. wonderful!
maybe i'm just really tired. and stressed out. and really feeling biotchy. T_____T
UGH. but i jsut cant seem to say " NO MORE PPL"
wow. that toally just ruined my mood.
TODAY WAS OOBER FUN. :D especiallly during lunch. well, the only fun part was lunch. HAH. \
alice: "woah allen, you're actually pretty cute" HAHAHAH.
DUDE TIFF. stop invitign people to the mun party. -___________________- not even joking here. i havnt even asked my mom yet. and mroe ppl=more distraction. STOP INVITING PPL. please! just SCH ppl. and thats enough. T__T woow. im fb-ing with sayoni. on chat. and she really wants to join us. wonderful!
maybe i'm just really tired. and stressed out. and really feeling biotchy. T_____T
UGH. but i jsut cant seem to say " NO MORE PPL"
wow. that toally just ruined my mood.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
game was amazing today! all three teams won. WOOT WOOT. but i didnt do as good as i usually do. ): i missed like 3 serves! and i usually dont miss my serves. MORE PRACTICE! we have two home games next week. tuesday against bellflower at home. and wednesday against gahr. at home too! come and support. :D yaayayyaya
what else happend today. :O it seems liek a blank so far. -____- okay. crazy hair day. big whoop! nothing much. angel's hair was like mine. HAHH my crazy curly hair. alice had the cutest little fountain thing. and chris had two antenas. hmm. anythign else? nope!
garsh. i cant seem to finid anyyythign today
OH! so i went to my brothers back to school night from the vball game. and i saw all my teachers. :D its so fun to go see them. cus they have the cutest expressions ever. HAHHA. mrs. amaliftano was the cutest thing ever. she couldnt believe that i grew up so much. HAHAHAHA. (: i like mrs. amalfitano. shes soo nice! and not annoying liek vince -_-
but yeah. i started hw at 9. and finished at 10. THATS CRAZY! now i have to do a broadcasting application. and then human study, and sleep.
what else happend today. :O it seems liek a blank so far. -____- okay. crazy hair day. big whoop! nothing much. angel's hair was like mine. HAHH my crazy curly hair. alice had the cutest little fountain thing. and chris had two antenas. hmm. anythign else? nope!
garsh. i cant seem to finid anyyythign today
OH! so i went to my brothers back to school night from the vball game. and i saw all my teachers. :D its so fun to go see them. cus they have the cutest expressions ever. HAHHA. mrs. amaliftano was the cutest thing ever. she couldnt believe that i grew up so much. HAHAHAHA. (: i like mrs. amalfitano. shes soo nice! and not annoying liek vince -_-
but yeah. i started hw at 9. and finished at 10. THATS CRAZY! now i have to do a broadcasting application. and then human study, and sleep.
"I don’t know but. I think I maybe. Fallin’ for you. Dropping so quickly. Maybe I should. Keep this to myself. Waiting ’til I Know you better"
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I LOVE HANNAH JOO! god she is so organized. xD we finished our dance. but we need the guys. jeremy was the only one who showed up. BAHAH.
i just looked on abi. i have a 47.81 in APHG. ouch. i need to ACE this class. my goal for the year is to get a 4.0. its kinda sad. 7th grade i had 4.0. 8th grade was 3.8. and freshman was 3.5. THATS SAD. i want a 4.0 this year. :D
i can do this! si se puede. :D
soo. i talked to my mom. i'm dropping swim. i realized that i have sadies, ap exam, the state tests and all that good stuff. T__T swim is gonna make it harder. SO. i'm gonna drop it. and take one quarter of pe. -___- oh fun pe!
its 10.10! and i just made a wish. yeah. you're suppose to wish at 11.11 but i do which ever one i'm awake for. (: and both of them come true anways! SOO. yeah. but this wish. i dont know if its gonna coem true. its just so BIG.
i'm so excited for hello dance. :D i need to go buy grams tomorow. ian, and brian, and abby said they have some! WOOT WOOT.
tomorrow's crazy hair day. and away game (: wish us luck. i hope we do better than on tuesday. YOU KNOW WHAT? we played a jv team. T___T compared to taht, we did pretty good. i really need to stock up on my junk food. secret buddy times. :D
woohooooooo. :D
this post is like the complete opposite of yesterdays. its called being optomistic. or just forgetting the past.
ps. chris, this guy has been holding this "grudge" for more than a year. T__T. its not gonna get better.
LOLS. that wasnt even a "ps" i didnt even finish my post. HAHA
the sagar vs. charles fight on facebook. xD THAT WAS SO FUNNY. i love you charles. (:
okay. i'm done now. wait. not yet
i just looked on abi. i have a 47.81 in APHG. ouch. i need to ACE this class. my goal for the year is to get a 4.0. its kinda sad. 7th grade i had 4.0. 8th grade was 3.8. and freshman was 3.5. THATS SAD. i want a 4.0 this year. :D
i can do this! si se puede. :D
soo. i talked to my mom. i'm dropping swim. i realized that i have sadies, ap exam, the state tests and all that good stuff. T__T swim is gonna make it harder. SO. i'm gonna drop it. and take one quarter of pe. -___- oh fun pe!
its 10.10! and i just made a wish. yeah. you're suppose to wish at 11.11 but i do which ever one i'm awake for. (: and both of them come true anways! SOO. yeah. but this wish. i dont know if its gonna coem true. its just so BIG.
i'm so excited for hello dance. :D i need to go buy grams tomorow. ian, and brian, and abby said they have some! WOOT WOOT.
tomorrow's crazy hair day. and away game (: wish us luck. i hope we do better than on tuesday. YOU KNOW WHAT? we played a jv team. T___T compared to taht, we did pretty good. i really need to stock up on my junk food. secret buddy times. :D
woohooooooo. :D
this post is like the complete opposite of yesterdays. its called being optomistic. or just forgetting the past.
ps. chris, this guy has been holding this "grudge" for more than a year. T__T. its not gonna get better.
LOLS. that wasnt even a "ps" i didnt even finish my post. HAHA
the sagar vs. charles fight on facebook. xD THAT WAS SO FUNNY. i love you charles. (:
okay. i'm done now. wait. not yet
" Hakuna Matata! Aint no passing craze. It means no worries for the rest of your days"
oh. btw. mun is meeting tomorrow (thursday) at the dance room!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
not what i really expected. did i?
UGGGH. i never realized that things that happen in 8th grade can freaking affect you now. IN THE MIDDLE OF 10TH GRADE. its not even grades. its the social aspect of school. T_T
really? this is not how i expected this to end. i was thinking on a much better note. just a crush. it will fade away. and things can go back to normal. and nothing would matter. he wouldnt know. he wouldnt care. we'd just be friends. :D
but thats not gonna happen. ever. cus life is just like that. once you got something happy, something bad has just GOT to happen. I HATE IT. its not fair at all.
so cus of my stupidity. i lost a friend. a GOOD close friend. UGGGH. ):
i dont know if i'm mad. or sad. or ALKDJIAGH. its just a bunch of feelings put together. and it makes you feeel so bad. and so low. ): like. if i go eat cake now, i wouldnt feel better. THATS SERIOUS. cus cake always makes me feel better.
and this isnt the end of the world. cus i know i get realllllllly dramatic when i write these posts. xD i read the old ones. and i'm like. wtf i actually wrote that? like the one where it was like "will you be there when fate plays with my life?" or something like that? HAHHA. i'm such a loser.
): maybe thats why. UGGGGGGGGGGGGH. and i even shouldnt be worrying about this. its sorta HIS loss that he doenst wanna talk to me. but isnt it my fault too?
i just feel so awkward going up to him and talking. even though we've done that so many times.
life just doesnt go that way.
now. i get to go study for human. how fun.
dang it. i'm really sad now. GOSH. stupid boy. stupid friend.
stupid loss. T__T
"can we get this back to how it used to be?"
i dont know if anyone noticed. but those quotes are from songs. and those lyrics usually applies to how my day went. or how i feel. :D
really? this is not how i expected this to end. i was thinking on a much better note. just a crush. it will fade away. and things can go back to normal. and nothing would matter. he wouldnt know. he wouldnt care. we'd just be friends. :D
but thats not gonna happen. ever. cus life is just like that. once you got something happy, something bad has just GOT to happen. I HATE IT. its not fair at all.
so cus of my stupidity. i lost a friend. a GOOD close friend. UGGGH. ):
i dont know if i'm mad. or sad. or ALKDJIAGH. its just a bunch of feelings put together. and it makes you feeel so bad. and so low. ): like. if i go eat cake now, i wouldnt feel better. THATS SERIOUS. cus cake always makes me feel better.
and this isnt the end of the world. cus i know i get realllllllly dramatic when i write these posts. xD i read the old ones. and i'm like. wtf i actually wrote that? like the one where it was like "will you be there when fate plays with my life?" or something like that? HAHHA. i'm such a loser.
): maybe thats why. UGGGGGGGGGGGGH. and i even shouldnt be worrying about this. its sorta HIS loss that he doenst wanna talk to me. but isnt it my fault too?
i just feel so awkward going up to him and talking. even though we've done that so many times.
life just doesnt go that way.
now. i get to go study for human. how fun.
dang it. i'm really sad now. GOSH. stupid boy. stupid friend.
stupid loss. T__T
"can we get this back to how it used to be?"
i dont know if anyone noticed. but those quotes are from songs. and those lyrics usually applies to how my day went. or how i feel. :D
Monday, September 14, 2009
i gotta a feeling.
i love that song. HAHAHAHAH. :D woot.
okay. so my parents said i can do lyspic. MORE FUN!!
i finsihed all my hw during the game. YAAAAAAY. FROSH WON. :D that was soo fun man.
i'm so glad that i played the first full game. :D but then it was super quick. CUS WE WERE
you guys better come and watch us tomorrow. :D 3pm. at the gym. HELL YEAH!
i'm so freaking excited.
so i'm studying now. i have 3 quizzes in a row tomorrow. T__T
cordova, perry, and barry. GARSH.
i'm tired. but i'm not sleeepy. so i'm gonna stay up. and study. how fun. -__-
i got my vball secret buddy today! WOOHOOOOOOOO.
okay. so my parents said i can do lyspic. MORE FUN!!
i finsihed all my hw during the game. YAAAAAAY. FROSH WON. :D that was soo fun man.
i'm so glad that i played the first full game. :D but then it was super quick. CUS WE WERE
you guys better come and watch us tomorrow. :D 3pm. at the gym. HELL YEAH!
i'm so freaking excited.
so i'm studying now. i have 3 quizzes in a row tomorrow. T__T
cordova, perry, and barry. GARSH.
i'm tired. but i'm not sleeepy. so i'm gonna stay up. and study. how fun. -__-
i got my vball secret buddy today! WOOHOOOOOOOO.
"your love is where i am falling"
Sunday, September 13, 2009
woow. today was beyond boring. except for those last couple of hours. xD
abdc was amazing! i liked all four crewws. i think afroborike will get out next. but i really do like them. but the other two are better. xD yet. afroborike alwasy do something CRAZY. like today's performance. and i'm pretty sure massive monkeys will become america's best dance crew. teh little judge's word battle was FUNNY. HAHHA.
and then i saw the new moon trailer. THAT WAS CRAAZY. except the end. i dont rmbr edward fighting teh volturi. so i dont understand that part. xD but here it is.
abdc was amazing! i liked all four crewws. i think afroborike will get out next. but i really do like them. but the other two are better. xD yet. afroborike alwasy do something CRAZY. like today's performance. and i'm pretty sure massive monkeys will become america's best dance crew. teh little judge's word battle was FUNNY. HAHHA.
and then i saw the new moon trailer. THAT WAS CRAAZY. except the end. i dont rmbr edward fighting teh volturi. so i dont understand that part. xD but here it is.
Movie Trailers - Movies Blog
"i'm falling into memories of you, things we used to do"
dakota fanning was AMAZING. no joke.
freaking kristen stewart gets to kiss
freaking hot guys.
kalyani went to the disney expo. and she
got me a sterling knight autograph. adn a video
of him saying "i love you archie and many more"
i lvoe sterling knight. AHHH.
freaking kristen stewart gets to kiss
freaking hot guys.
kalyani went to the disney expo. and she
got me a sterling knight autograph. adn a video
of him saying "i love you archie and many more"
i lvoe sterling knight. AHHH.
"i'm falling into memories of you, things we used to do"
Saturday, September 12, 2009
vabll scrimmage
WOOOHOOOO. it was soo freaking fun. but i kept on stealing corrine's ball. x) SORRY. i wont do that next game. HHAH. i loved it. the intensity. the competition. the other team ready to hit it down on us. IT WAS AMAZING. :D
i found out that i can serve it better during the game rather than practice. -__- dont know why. but it works! :D WOOHOO.
after that icame home. worked oh hw. and yeah. except for the scrimmage. today was pretty boring. NO ONE was on aim. i think there was some red cross thing today for cabinet. so i was pretty bored. ):
but i studied for APHG. and i'm gonna go read lord of the flies for palmiere. how fun! (: not really.
okaaay. so this weekend seemed hopeless. -___- TALK TO ME POEPLE. i feel so isolated.
good job avi on your short film!
i found out that i can serve it better during the game rather than practice. -__- dont know why. but it works! :D WOOHOO.
after that icame home. worked oh hw. and yeah. except for the scrimmage. today was pretty boring. NO ONE was on aim. i think there was some red cross thing today for cabinet. so i was pretty bored. ):
but i studied for APHG. and i'm gonna go read lord of the flies for palmiere. how fun! (: not really.
okaaay. so this weekend seemed hopeless. -___- TALK TO ME POEPLE. i feel so isolated.
good job avi on your short film!
"i can't set my hopes to high, cause every hello ends with a goodbye"
my horoscope was so cute today: You're in the best position to improve your love life -- or to simply enjoy it, if you've already made the most of that part of your life. Your great energy is perfect for sharing!
Friday, September 11, 2009
my brother had his party today. and party= cake. CAKE. and guess who loves cake? ME! MWHAHAHAHHA. (: tis very good.
party was egh. my house was a filled with a bunch of 6th grade boys playing the wii. -___- and luckily anusha came. (: so that saved me some boredom.
tomorrow is volleyball scrimmage! WOOOT. i'm excited/nervous. :D hmm.
short post. nothing much to write.
boring day at school.
party was egh. my house was a filled with a bunch of 6th grade boys playing the wii. -___- and luckily anusha came. (: so that saved me some boredom.
tomorrow is volleyball scrimmage! WOOOT. i'm excited/nervous. :D hmm.
short post. nothing much to write.
boring day at school.
"you've got a smile that could light up this whole town"
Thursday, September 10, 2009
DANG. THAT CAME QUICK. :O well sorta. it didnt feel THAT great. sophomore tree wasnt any different than where we sat last year. T___T except that its SUPER crowded. -_____-how fun.
NSO WAS SHO FREAKING FUN. :D KAPOW your under arrest. :D and water gun fights.
^^ that probably made no sense to a lot of people. hahahah. but it was fun. i crashed so many poeples nso groups. allen's alice's shivanti's and afraz's.
first day of school was so boring. all the teachers do teh same exact thing. give teh syllabus. talk about thier class. and hw. and portfolio. and stuff like that. for 6 periods. T______T but but but. VBALL WAS FUN.
hour lunch tomorrrow! :D
i just realized that i can get my permit in a week. A WEEK. thats freakkkkkkkkkkkkkkky. :D but i still have to do driver's ed. x0
OH HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY!! we got IC secret buddies. yaaaaaay. :D i like who i got! WOHOO.
im tired and sleepy and hungry. what fun!
happy first day of school.
ps. i'm gonna try to post everysinlge day. even if its really boring. so bear with me guys. :D
NSO WAS SHO FREAKING FUN. :D KAPOW your under arrest. :D and water gun fights.
^^ that probably made no sense to a lot of people. hahahah. but it was fun. i crashed so many poeples nso groups. allen's alice's shivanti's and afraz's.
first day of school was so boring. all the teachers do teh same exact thing. give teh syllabus. talk about thier class. and hw. and portfolio. and stuff like that. for 6 periods. T______T but but but. VBALL WAS FUN.
hour lunch tomorrrow! :D
i just realized that i can get my permit in a week. A WEEK. thats freakkkkkkkkkkkkkkky. :D but i still have to do driver's ed. x0
OH HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY!! we got IC secret buddies. yaaaaaay. :D i like who i got! WOHOO.
im tired and sleepy and hungry. what fun!
happy first day of school.
ps. i'm gonna try to post everysinlge day. even if its really boring. so bear with me guys. :D
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
best friend vs. lover.
is that the new thing? in the "book world" OH WAIT. THIS POST CONTAINS POTENTIAL SPOLIERS FOR CATCHING FIRE (sequel to hunger games). so read after teh dashed lines if you want to skip the spoilers. :D
so yeah. i bought the book yesterday. adn i finished it. GOD IT IS SO FREKAING GOOD. but they put in that whoooooooole bestfriend lover thing agian. -___- so is it peeta&katniss or gale&katniss. i kinda like peeta better. :D he's so sweeet. and soo easy going. and hes so peeeeeeeeerfect. THIS REMINDS ME OF TWILIIIIIIIIIGHT. bella&edward vs. bella&jacob. peeta's like edward. so romantic. :D and gale is like jacob. easily angered. known for years. now i feel stupid. cus i already finished hte book. and now i have to wait for like another year for the last book to come out. and see who katniss chooses. i hope its peeeta. and i also hope that the author doesnt kill peeta off. he's like the best character in there.
stupid selfish girls and their little hearts going for TWO poeple at the SAME freaking time. SELFISH. JUST CHOOSE ONE.
okaay. :D i seriously love that book though. x) so i bought hunger games AND catching fire. woohooo. but yeah. camarillo was fun. i dont know if i should put up the pictures though. its mostly beaches and me and other places we went to .
we actualy went to the presidential library of ronald reagan. ITS SOO FREAKING COOL. :D ohh. and i love barack obama's signature. its soo pretty. :D i took a picture of it.
hmm. movie marathon today. vball with angel today. vball and nso tomorrow. SCHOOL ON THURSDAY D: / :D
annnnnnd. i cant find that stupid math hw. -__________________- so i have to clean up my room and look for it. fun stuff.
OHH. kristen stewart and robbert pattinson are together. :O and apparenly in love. :O
read that. :D
so yeah. i bought the book yesterday. adn i finished it. GOD IT IS SO FREKAING GOOD. but they put in that whoooooooole bestfriend lover thing agian. -___- so is it peeta&katniss or gale&katniss. i kinda like peeta better. :D he's so sweeet. and soo easy going. and hes so peeeeeeeeerfect. THIS REMINDS ME OF TWILIIIIIIIIIGHT. bella&edward vs. bella&jacob. peeta's like edward. so romantic. :D and gale is like jacob. easily angered. known for years. now i feel stupid. cus i already finished hte book. and now i have to wait for like another year for the last book to come out. and see who katniss chooses. i hope its peeeta. and i also hope that the author doesnt kill peeta off. he's like the best character in there.
stupid selfish girls and their little hearts going for TWO poeple at the SAME freaking time. SELFISH. JUST CHOOSE ONE.
okaay. :D i seriously love that book though. x) so i bought hunger games AND catching fire. woohooo. but yeah. camarillo was fun. i dont know if i should put up the pictures though. its mostly beaches and me and other places we went to .
we actualy went to the presidential library of ronald reagan. ITS SOO FREAKING COOL. :D ohh. and i love barack obama's signature. its soo pretty. :D i took a picture of it.
hmm. movie marathon today. vball with angel today. vball and nso tomorrow. SCHOOL ON THURSDAY D: / :D
annnnnnd. i cant find that stupid math hw. -__________________- so i have to clean up my room and look for it. fun stuff.
OHH. kristen stewart and robbert pattinson are together. :O and apparenly in love. :O
read that. :D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
gap jacket!
SO! i did end up taking the laptop. x) so i decided to blog. YIPEEE.
so yeah. i'm at camarillo. at holiday inn. using their complimentary interenet service. (: woohoo. so we went to teh outlet mall! and i get a gap sweatshirt. its marroon. and it says GAP! wooooooooooooot. and then we went to ventura beach. and then a thai restaurant. DUDE THAT COCONUT ICECREAM WAS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. yeaaah. that was like 3 min in heaven. adn the 4th min, all that ice cream was gone. x)
tomorrow is more shopping. charlotte russe. and papaya. :D and american apparel. and aeropostlae. :D YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.
i really need to get decent sandles. mine are soo old and torn up. D:
schoool's gonna start soon! this thursday :O THATS FREAKYY
my brothers bday is tomorrow. :D and i think we're going to souplantation xD I LOVE THAT PLACE. woohoo
okay. gonna watch some tv now :D
so yeah. i'm at camarillo. at holiday inn. using their complimentary interenet service. (: woohoo. so we went to teh outlet mall! and i get a gap sweatshirt. its marroon. and it says GAP! wooooooooooooot. and then we went to ventura beach. and then a thai restaurant. DUDE THAT COCONUT ICECREAM WAS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. yeaaah. that was like 3 min in heaven. adn the 4th min, all that ice cream was gone. x)
tomorrow is more shopping. charlotte russe. and papaya. :D and american apparel. and aeropostlae. :D YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.
i really need to get decent sandles. mine are soo old and torn up. D:
schoool's gonna start soon! this thursday :O THATS FREAKYY
my brothers bday is tomorrow. :D and i think we're going to souplantation xD I LOVE THAT PLACE. woohoo
okay. gonna watch some tv now :D
Friday, September 4, 2009
jason dolley!
HE IS SO CUTE. so we were waiting in line. like right next to the studio. and the cast walked in and he was there. and he looked so normal. and i was like "heeey. that looks like jason dolley" and then i looked again. AND OMGF IT WAS HIM. :O and hes a cuttttttttie.
the show was really cute. :D i dont wanna tell you the plot cus i might accidently ruin it. and spoil the ending. HAHA. the vampire girl from wizards is actign in it. and shes sooo dang pretty. :D
and on the way coming back my friend got a phone call from her other friend. and this is what she told us. apparenttly sterling knight was at disneyland today. ): I WANT TO SEE HIM. and hes REALLY REALLY FREAKISHLY MORE AMAZINGLY CUTE in person. :D ahhhhhh. i was freaking out. we're gonna see sony with a chance. and so i'll see him there. :D WOOOT. i'm gonna mkae him a bracelet and write KNIGHT on there. :D i wonder if he'll wear it though. HAHAHHHAHHA. that would be so freaking cooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. ahhhhh. i'm floating away from reality.
i really want to work in a studio. :D it seems so much fun. when i was younger, i always wanted to be an actreess. :D i actually should go to one of those auditions. just for fun. :D like i'll ever make it. HAHAHAHAH. i wanna try out for a singing position. OHH ON THAT NOTE. i wanna try out for "into the woods" :D but i dont think i'll make it. x)
camarillo tomorrow. :D no computer though. so just call me instead. :D
i'm lovvvvving life right now.
love the blogger community. <3
OHH! and i made a twitter. :D wohoo. and i ahve no idea how to use it.
the show was really cute. :D i dont wanna tell you the plot cus i might accidently ruin it. and spoil the ending. HAHA. the vampire girl from wizards is actign in it. and shes sooo dang pretty. :D
and on the way coming back my friend got a phone call from her other friend. and this is what she told us. apparenttly sterling knight was at disneyland today. ): I WANT TO SEE HIM. and hes REALLY REALLY FREAKISHLY MORE AMAZINGLY CUTE in person. :D ahhhhhh. i was freaking out. we're gonna see sony with a chance. and so i'll see him there. :D WOOOT. i'm gonna mkae him a bracelet and write KNIGHT on there. :D i wonder if he'll wear it though. HAHAHHHAHHA. that would be so freaking cooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. ahhhhh. i'm floating away from reality.
i really want to work in a studio. :D it seems so much fun. when i was younger, i always wanted to be an actreess. :D i actually should go to one of those auditions. just for fun. :D like i'll ever make it. HAHAHAHAH. i wanna try out for a singing position. OHH ON THAT NOTE. i wanna try out for "into the woods" :D but i dont think i'll make it. x)
camarillo tomorrow. :D no computer though. so just call me instead. :D
i'm lovvvvving life right now.
love the blogger community. <3
OHH! and i made a twitter. :D wohoo. and i ahve no idea how to use it.
good luck charlie!
so in about 30 min. i'm gonna leave for good luck charlie taping. :D I'M SO FREAKING EXCITTED. hmm.
and then i need to pack for the camarillo trip. DUDE. THEY HAVE A DISNEY STORE OUTLET. :O this shopping trip is gonna be hellla fuuuuun. (: and i have soooo many gift cards to spend. ;D so yeaah
i dont know if i'll be taking my laptop along with me. not sure yet. but you can alwaaaaaaaays call me if you need anything. :D
so in about 30 min. i'm gonna leave for good luck charlie taping. :D I'M SO FREAKING EXCITTED. hmm.
and then i need to pack for the camarillo trip. DUDE. THEY HAVE A DISNEY STORE OUTLET. :O this shopping trip is gonna be hellla fuuuuun. (: and i have soooo many gift cards to spend. ;D so yeaah
i dont know if i'll be taking my laptop along with me. not sure yet. but you can alwaaaaaaaays call me if you need anything. :D
Thursday, September 3, 2009
in one week, we'll be in school. ISNT THAT FREAKY? technically our last summer. cus next summer is gonna be SAT classes. and the summer after that is college summer. and after that its ADULT LIFE. HOLY SHATNIPS. we're growing too fassssssssst. i wanna slow down. (:
hm. today was IC mtg. (: it was fun. me and marissa totally camera-horsed on alice's camera. XD TEE EHEEE.
I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHO MY SECRET BUDDY IS. :D i wanna go and get that list. and start givign presentttttts. :D WOOHOO.
so today i was trying ot convince my mom. and then the whole MUN SPEECHES came in. T___T
i was like " i woudl strongly apprieciate it if you thought about this". OH SNAP. i dont talk like that. :O stupid mun. it came in handy though. i convinced her 80% woot. :D
hmmm. i'm so dang busy :O
saturday-monday: CAMARILLOOOOOO! beach and shopping and eating. (:
tuesday: movie marathon
wednesday: NSO
things to look forward to.
3. vampire diaries. :D
uhm. so far. thats about it. :D whoooooot.
i'm gonna go watch home videos now. :D of me adn my brother when we were young. fun stufff man. its hillariouuuuuuuuuus. (:
ps. i really love fly with me. the song. <3
hm. today was IC mtg. (: it was fun. me and marissa totally camera-horsed on alice's camera. XD TEE EHEEE.
I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHO MY SECRET BUDDY IS. :D i wanna go and get that list. and start givign presentttttts. :D WOOHOO.
so today i was trying ot convince my mom. and then the whole MUN SPEECHES came in. T___T
i was like " i woudl strongly apprieciate it if you thought about this". OH SNAP. i dont talk like that. :O stupid mun. it came in handy though. i convinced her 80% woot. :D
hmmm. i'm so dang busy :O
saturday-monday: CAMARILLOOOOOO! beach and shopping and eating. (:
tuesday: movie marathon
wednesday: NSO
things to look forward to.
3. vampire diaries. :D
uhm. so far. thats about it. :D whoooooot.
i'm gonna go watch home videos now. :D of me adn my brother when we were young. fun stufff man. its hillariouuuuuuuuuus. (:
ps. i really love fly with me. the song. <3
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
omg. we got them todaaaaaaaaaay. :D WOOHOO!! all my teachers changed. :O like the changable ones. so my schedule is.
2. cordova (math)
3. perry (human)
4. barry (spanish)
5. palmieri (english)
6. zoikowski (chem)
7. brice (athletics)
(: so basically jensen became cordova, homstad became barry, and baillie became palmieri. YET. jeremy got the exact same schedule as the one on abi. T__________T so not fair. but i guess my teachers are pretty cool. except cordova. i dont know how she is. x)
so faar. the most ppl in my classes are allen tang, and jen shishido! (4 classes)
i have three in a row with charles. and yeaah. thats the most classes i had with someone.
SO YESTERDAY! i went to the taping. :O IT WAS SHO MUCH FUN. the guy from icarly, jonah, he was acting in it. and hes so cute. :D
and on friday we got guest ticekts fro JASON DOLLEY. holy shaaaaaaaaatnips. :D I'M SO EXCTIED.
adn then we're going to camarilloooooooo for the weekend, adn nso on wednesday! and school on thursday.
we've got a couple of days left. lets spend it together. :D
i feel like i should write sometihgn else. but i cant remember it. x)
OHH. jeremy if you read this, i left my schedule and my alegbra book at yoru house. >D can you bring it tomorrow to the IC meeting. thaaaaaank you. (:
OH RIGHT. my locker number is 953. :D its the party locker hallway. ;D with the pings and the pongs and the qians and the platts and the woos and teh ravichandrans. :D and the rest of those asian last names. HAHHHHHAHHHAH
2. cordova (math)
3. perry (human)
4. barry (spanish)
5. palmieri (english)
6. zoikowski (chem)
7. brice (athletics)
(: so basically jensen became cordova, homstad became barry, and baillie became palmieri. YET. jeremy got the exact same schedule as the one on abi. T__________T so not fair. but i guess my teachers are pretty cool. except cordova. i dont know how she is. x)
so faar. the most ppl in my classes are allen tang, and jen shishido! (4 classes)
i have three in a row with charles. and yeaah. thats the most classes i had with someone.
SO YESTERDAY! i went to the taping. :O IT WAS SHO MUCH FUN. the guy from icarly, jonah, he was acting in it. and hes so cute. :D
and on friday we got guest ticekts fro JASON DOLLEY. holy shaaaaaaaaatnips. :D I'M SO EXCTIED.
adn then we're going to camarilloooooooo for the weekend, adn nso on wednesday! and school on thursday.
we've got a couple of days left. lets spend it together. :D
i feel like i should write sometihgn else. but i cant remember it. x)
OHH. jeremy if you read this, i left my schedule and my alegbra book at yoru house. >D can you bring it tomorrow to the IC meeting. thaaaaaank you. (:
OH RIGHT. my locker number is 953. :D its the party locker hallway. ;D with the pings and the pongs and the qians and the platts and the woos and teh ravichandrans. :D and the rest of those asian last names. HAHHHHHAHHHAH
If time were still
The sun would never never find us
We could light up
The sky, tonight
I would see the world through your eyes
The sun would never never find us
We could light up
The sky, tonight
I would see the world through your eyes
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