their actually not bad. the articles i found are pretty interesting. :D i finished 5 tonight. and i have to find two more articles. cus teh two i found dont exactly work. like its super outdated.
this is a paragraph from one of the artilces. i thoguth it was soo sad.
Sitting on the couch next to his mom, Magnus lets out a wheeze of concentration, his chubby thumbs flying on a video game, while Diaz wonders aloud whether she should move to Rome, where she can earn more money and join her husband who already works there. When Magnus first overheard her saying that her work permit had been approved, he asked, "If you leave, who will I eat ice cream with on the lawn?" The innocent question haunts her. "Simple, but ..." She finishes the sentence by miming a knife jabbing into her chest.
but yeah
game against gahr tomorrow. at 5.15 -__- so late. but that means that we have no practice tomorrow. the team wants to go to TC. but i dont want to. i know i'm gonna get tired/sluggish/and suckish if i go to TC so i'm gonna stay bakc. and sleep. or do hw
. or something. :D
hmm. i really really want pumpkin pie. ): off to marie calender's! or polly's pies. WOOT. I LOVE PIE. MWHAHAHAHAHAH.
ps. i love you. ;D
i hate pie ahha