Friday, October 30, 2009
i love the song fallin' for you. it totally expressed my thoughts right now. <3 go check out those lyrics.
TOMORROW IS JEREMY'S BDAY. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAAAAAAAN! i hope you liked the gift. cus i know you dont like pictures. but btu but. i made it. (: well not the frame.
or the picture. but you get it. HAHHAHA. i miss you lots man! its so wierd not seeing you everyday. ): and not talking on aim everyday. second semester man! when we both have free 7ths wooooooooohooooooooo. (: but hten you have track or vball. DUDE. YOU NEED TO DECIDE ON THAT. but yeah. have an amazing birthday!
i really want to join club volleyball. :D but its expensive.
OMG OMG OMG. I CANNOT WAIT TILL FORMAL. I WANT IT TO COME SOON. ITS SO DARN FAR AWAY. JANUARY 29TH. ): but i got my dresses. and i need to decide on one! i think i'm gonna wear the magenta one. YIPEE.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
aphg portfolios!
this is a paragraph from one of the artilces. i thoguth it was soo sad.
Sitting on the couch next to his mom, Magnus lets out a wheeze of concentration, his chubby thumbs flying on a video game, while Diaz wonders aloud whether she should move to Rome, where she can earn more money and join her husband who already works there. When Magnus first overheard her saying that her work permit had been approved, he asked, "If you leave, who will I eat ice cream with on the lawn?" The innocent question haunts her. "Simple, but ..." She finishes the sentence by miming a knife jabbing into her chest.
but yeah
game against gahr tomorrow. at 5.15 -__- so late. but that means that we have no practice tomorrow. the team wants to go to TC. but i dont want to. i know i'm gonna get tired/sluggish/and suckish if i go to TC so i'm gonna stay bakc. and sleep. or do hw
. or something. :D
hmm. i really really want pumpkin pie. ): off to marie calender's! or polly's pies. WOOT. I LOVE PIE. MWHAHAHAHAHAH.
ps. i love you. ;D
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
i hate subconscience stuff.
you cant subconsciencly like someone. its not possible!
i hope i dont get a creepy one tonight.
but but but. joan told me that if i dream about a person, then that person was thinking about me before they went to sleep. ;D
so i heard rumors about formal! but their rumors. so they're probably not true. buttt!
1. its gonna be cheap. like $50 cheap?
2. no dinner this time. ):
3. location is not as good
but they could all be fake!
vball season is alsmot over. i'm soooooooo sad. ): i love vball. i dont want it to be over! why cant vball be one of those all year sports? xD im thinking on joining clubvball. (: but i have no informationa about it. so i need to like get info. HAHAHHAH
fallball is this friday!
halloween is this saturday!
every princess DOESNT need a prince. imma be INDEPENDENT.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
i love sage hill!
all those brownie points were fake. ): and pointless
angel. why do you have to so gosh darn beautiful? ;D
cookies and tourney tomorrow!
my sugar high is dieing.
byes. (:
Monday, October 19, 2009
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
whoppers are good. :D
SOOOOO. monday i was mad. big deal.
tuesday: was our vball game. the ride there was soooooo fun. :D me and angel were like totally high. and we just talked and talked and talked. it took like an hour to get there. so it was an hour of bonding. :D i'm so glad we're in vball together. 8th grade were super close. then 9th grade comes, and we have like no classes. now its vball this year. and we see each otehr all the tiem. but when vball season ends. ): NO WE CANT LET THAT HAPPEN ANGEL. MWAAAH
okay but yeah. the game was fun. i thoguth i did really bad. but everyone said i did good -_- I HAD THREE KILLS THOUGH. in the game. (: the most i've ever had. i could have had more. but i hit to hard, and it went out. xD
uhm. so today! it was a rainy day. :D i like that TODAY'S PRACITCE WAS SO FUN. i loove practices were he seperates everyone. so you have setters camp, passers camp, and blocker camp. and me and angel were a blocker. ITS SO MUCH FUN. I LOVE BLOCKING. and and and. today during our little mini game, I HAD THIS CRAZY BLOCK. and i was so proud of myself. xD and i played a lot better. so maybe i wont get cut next year. but i dont wanna think about that right now.
FRIDAY IS OXFORD SPIRIT GAME. come come come. :D adn get spirit points.
hmm. OH. i won the bet :D WOOT WOOT. chris has to be my prince now. xD but i guess if he really doesnt want to do it, then he doesnt have to. i dont want to force him >D
this is a pretty long post. WOOT. finally. i had so many short ones
marissa! i love your recent post. :D and i missed you today. but i already told you that over facebook. MWHAHAH
i feel realy happy.and high. and like i wana say I LOVE YOU to everyone :D those whoppers do make you high. HAHA
tim chai said he'lll bring me dove bliss chocolate. mmmmm. i love thossssssse. (:

Sunday, October 11, 2009
hello week. ):
so i'm gonna die tomorrow! one bullet through my head. i have recital comign soon for my indian cultural singing drummming thing. and i dont have fcking time to practice for it. cus of vball and school and all that good stuff. so my teacher's getting mad. and i'm like wth. school IS MORE IMPT than stupid class. so i sorta ditced class on saturday. and i'm gonna get COMPLETELY OWNED tomorrow. die. its like i'm walking into hell. not even joking. god):
i finished a lot of hw. well basically just the aphg thing. i was talking to paley and he thougth aphg was pHag. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH. that was funny. xD but yeah. i finished that assignment. i worked on that stupid plamieri crap. -___- i bet you that she wont even grade it. and i'm just waisting my time doing that.
i love it how when alice writes in her blog after a long time, its a HUGE post. liek HUUUUGE. (: and its soo entertaining to read. :D i think shes refering to me for the spelling mistakes, xD
i just suck at spelling. and typing fast at the same time. SORRY ALICE DEAR.
it seems like forever since a vball game. we have one on tuesdya. and A SPIRIT GAME ON FRIDAY. AGAINST OXFORD. I BETTTER SEE YOU THERE!
and then the day after i have psat. fun stuf maaaaang. -___-
so i have a 3/5 on my bet with chris. I CAN SO DO THIS. YES I CAN, BELIEVE IN MYSLEF. hahhaha. xD
uhm. a lot of interesting things happend this weekend. ;D (tiff. angel. you guys know half of each). HAHH.
i'm so excittttttted for formal. (: I CANT WAIT FOR IT. even though its sorta far away.
i might go to india over winter break for this volunteering thing. i dotn know if its a good thing or a bad thing xD i'm not gonna if i dotn make it in time for formal. cus i can always go next year. anusha went last year. :D
On the battlefield of love,
Don’t it look like baby cupid sending arrows from above,
Don’t you ever leave the side of me,"
Friday, October 9, 2009
serve it DOWWWN.
i cant rmbr what happens in the day. excpet for vball. D: gaaaaaaarsh. that sucks. so many things happen DURING school T__T
anywaaaaaays. vball was super long today :D but we played for like an hour and a half. IT WAS SO FUN. woot wooot. angel had so many cute moments. AH.
"its tingling"
"out out out. oh snap"
HHAHA. THERES SO MUCH MORE. but you had to be there to laugh at it. xD TEE HEE.
i'm like the only one who blogs now. -__- its just me and priyanka. gosh gusy. START BLOGGIN.
hm. nothing else happend today. i think.
OH. we changed seats in math :D i'm still with harry and joe though. AHAHAHAH. we got all excited cus it was just us 3 in a row. and cordova was like "oh no. i think i have to redo this chart again" HAHHAHAHA. that was funay.
hmm. human: joyce was wierd as always.T_T. spanish- blegh. palmiere the same.
oh. once again. i hate z. -__- GOD. i really do hate her.
end of day. oh. today was "be nice to archie" day. well. for allen. cus he's so mean to me. it sorta failed?
nothing else i guessss. OH i slipped today. 4/5. chris should understand that. ;D
Watch you take the fall
Laughing all the way to the hospital
'Cause there's nothing surgery can do
I'm gonna break your little heart"
Thursday, October 8, 2009
WOOT. thats the song i'm listening to right now. :D i freaking love demi lovato. <3
sighhhh. okay. i havnt blogged in a while. but nothing interesting is happening anyways.
i got the all time low album. :D and abracadabra, and one and the same. how fun.
i had alll these things to write. but it was all stuffed in my mind. adn i just had a pizookie so myminda is lazy now. so that means that this shall be a fail post. how wonderful!
i really cant wait till formal. <3
oh. i've got chris 60% convinced to go to formal. i'm soo good. :D
OH. tomororw is fridaaaaaaaaay. :D WOOOO. the week went by so fast. i think its cus of the crazy tuesdays. i liked crazy tuesdays every tuesday. i wish we had that. or like 2 tuesdays a month. instead of just one. its something to look forward to.
tomorow will be my first lunch of the week. i've had meetings this wholllllle week. T__T but yeah. today was the sadies meeting with cabinets. i was sorta scared at first. but then it was fine aftter i started. it was more liek a presentation i guess.
gah D: I'M EXCITED FOR SADIES TOO. i'm excited for all the dances. :DWOOT WOOOT.
applicatiosn come out in november. you guys should sign up. :P fun fun fun.
volleyball was really fun today. i think i did better today. better hitting. i found a new way to serve. whicih i like better. but i have to practice on thta. BUT BUT BUT. I LOVE BLOCKING.L ITS SOO MUCH FUN. :D
okay. time to study fro aphg. :D
i'm gonna start labeling. or. well. try. :D just the pepole. :D
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Four-year old Paige didn't want to say goodbye to her daddy before he was shipped off to Iraq
A family photo that shows a little girl beside her father and his fellow soldiers in uniform as they prepare to go to war has resonated well beyond the tight knit Bennethum clan.
Four-year-old Paige Bennethum really, really didn't want her daddy to go to Iraq.
So much so, that when Army Reservist Staff Sgt. Brett Bennethum lined up in formation at his deployment this July, she couldn't let go.
No one had the heart to pull her away.
The commanding officer allowed Paige to say goodbye as her dad prepared to ship off from Fort Dix.
Paige's mom Abby captured the moment with her camera and her aunt passed the image along to a Berks County, Pa. newspaper.
"I’ve had strangers looking me up online, sending me messages that they are touched by it ... offering a lot of support," Abby Bennethum told NBCPhiladelphia.
The picture took on a life of its own online this week. Abby says that suddenly, people were knocking on her door. "Literally overnight, there's all these people that just want to do anything they can," she says. Though she says her husband hasn't seen any stories about his family yet, he expects to.
For her part, Paige still remembers how she felt that day in July. Looking at the picture of herself – her dad now overseas – Paige remembers, "I didn't want to let go of him."
She calls the work he does transporting supplies across the Iraqi border, "just nice."
But that doesn't change her feelings.
"I just miss my dad right now," she says.
Sgt. Bennethum, 30, is expected home next July. Until then, Paige plans to help her mom take care of her little sister and a new baby that's on the way^^that article made me tear up.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
so today. hmm. vball game, crazy tuesday, stupid sub in chem, and aphg studying, i think thats about it. HAH
so vball game was intense today! first league game. adn we WON. and its the first home game we've won too. :O AND IT WAS AGAINST SAGE HILL. but then again. it was their frosh team. xD SOOOOO. YEAH. but after the game me marissa and claudine took pictures. :D WOOT WOOOT.
and angel got in trouble for eating inside. but i dont wanna embarrase her. so i'm not gonna tell what happend. OH BTW. i hope you feel better angel. get some sleep. skip some hw. HAHH
hm. and then crazy tuesday. (: i had like nothing to do from 7th period to 2pm. HAHH. so we just hung out. it was me, angel, andy, ralph, allen, ellie, paley, isaac, :D and claudine! basically us three vball girls and xc ppeopels. :DD
the sub in chem was reallly IOIGDH. its teh really short one. who gets super mad when we talk. HAHAHA
and now i have to aphg study.
BUT BUT BTU. i wanna write mroe. :D I FREAKING MADE SUCH GOOD PIZOOOKIE TODAY.i was in heaven for the 15 minutes i was eating it. :D
hmm. OH ENGLISH WAS SO FREAKING FUN! english=media lab=me and allen fooling around. HAHA. and no work done. xD teeeeee heeeeeeeeeee.
okay. now i'm gonna study. ):
oh btw priyanka, i love that picture of anastasia and demitri you have on your blog. its so cute. :D
i cant think of a song quote thing rigth now. ):
but i do like "break your little heart" by all time low. i'm want their album :D
Monday, October 5, 2009
yelloo there. :D
If you are single, someone you care about knows about your romantic woes and is quietly working behind the scenes to set you up. Quietly, because their track record as a matchmaker isn't too good. But this time they may be onto something. Keep an open mind!
so i figured out who im gonna be for halloween. i'm gonna be princess tiana from the princess adn teh frog. :D WOOT. i have the dress. and i need a tiara. and i'm gonna borrow those super long gloves. I'M SO EXCITED (:
now all i need is a guy to dress up as a prince. :D and hten it would be perfecto. AHAHHA
hm. tomorrow is vball game. adn early tuesday. i feel like i'm forgetting something... i'll figure it out sooner or later.
today was fail at vball. -_______________________________________- i couldnt server AT ALL today. not evne one. well. maybe one. and that was it. and i usulaly make all my serves. its like ;LKAISGIAHG. furstrating. VERY furstrating. and then i start cussing. and i usulaly dont cuss. GAH. D:
i really need to stuyd for psat. its so damn close. is there a writing portion for the psat?
hmmm. anything else?
OH RIGHT. its alice zuo's birthday
(aka. maneater). :D
i love you a lot.
Friday, October 2, 2009
today was boring as usuall. i still have a b in human. :D HOW FUN.
confrence toomorrow. i should be writing my speech. but i dont want to. so i'm most likely gonna bs it along the way tomorrrow.
uh. anythign else?
i dont feel like anysong today. woow. i feel like i have no personality right now. T_T faaail.
OH. i think my volleyball hit got a little harder today. HAH
Thursday, October 1, 2009
today was so baad. i had to like struggle to survive through it.
math was okay. nothing much. human i did bad. ): i dont know. like i entered the room. and i think i overstudied so eveyrhitng started to float away from me. THATS SO NOT COOL. ): so i get to see how bad i did tomorrow. how fun. -__- (atleast know i have a 85% in the class. that free response raised me up). and then chem was so boring. as usual.
volleyball was fail today. ): yesterday coach gave us the sophomore speech. he has to cut poeple cus juniors HAVE to be in jv or varsity next year. and anot all of us will make it. ): so i guess i freaked out to much about it. but coach was picking on me the whole day today. -___- and everytime i try to hit hard. the set is bad. so i do this wierd thing. and coach always sees me doing that. adn then he starts like KJGIAGH. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. i'm so gonna get cut, unless i dont step it up.
OH. NOW I RMEMBER WHAT PISSED ME OFF LIKE HECK TODAY! so mun meeting. ausg restuls came today. i knew i wasnt gonan mkae it. well i had a little hope. thats good right? just a little bit of hope? BUT! we knew who were gonna make it. -__- emily, emily, david, and brendan. THEY ALWAYS FREAKING GET IT. (emily and emily). everything! its like how the hell do you expect other poeple ot write experience in future stuff wehn you cant even get teh fuckign thing cus THEY always get it. T_______T not that their bad or anything, but everything the emily's tryout for, their like instantly in. and its half because of the rep. liek everyone knows that the emily's are good. they'll do great. -__- but really? there are other people in the world. T_T seriously. open your freaking chinky eyes and look around.
thats so not fair.
uhm anythign else today? oh. i made mrs. z believe that i'm not taht stupid -__-
oh. uhm. anything eles? i get to finish a positionpaper today. hwo fun.
hmmmm. oh yeah. allen does hate me. ):