i got hacccccccked! on aim by that photo cube thing, and i didnt even click on it. and then tiffany was like archie you sent it to me again, adn i was like i'm not signed on. and shes liek yes you are. :O GASSSSSSSSP! someones usuing it. perhaps a ghostt? OR EDWARD CULLEN. tee heee. my little fantasy >] anyways. comps start tomorrrw. ihave bio and pe. so its an ok day.
i really really want to die my hair :O i have this sudden urge to die my hair. so i asked tiffany what color and she was like HOT PINK --x EWWWW. hot pink? lols. but yea. so i might suddenly walk in some day with like highlights or brown hair. tee hee. (: i think thats my birthday present from my parents. even thought my dad doesnt aprroove. but my mom said ok. loools. so anyways. yaaaaaaa. schools pretty much almost over. its gonan be april tomorrow. APRIL! it feels liek the school year just started right?? and its already april. (: wel in 59 minutes. its gonna be april. april 1st. i dont like april 1st. cus its april fools day. you have to be all cautious and make sure you dont take stuff from aother ppl. like if they offer you a cookie. DONT TAKE IT. it might have tooth paste inside it. and like yaaaaa ): not coool. all the jokers will be out there. like those computer virus poeple that hack you. gah. scared much? other than that. nothing much. i want this week to be OVER. and then knottss. and then 4 days of school. and hten SPRING BREAKK! and id practiceeeees (: haha those are gonan be hella fuun again. so join ID!
quote of the day:
"If i could dream at all, it would be about you. and i'm not ashmaed of it" -edwarrrrrrd my love culllen (:
you know, i just noticed. edward and jocab say all these nice things to bella. and theyre so beautiful right? but i've never found anythign as pretty when bella say sanything. sure, i know bella loves him (well bothe of them.tee hee) but still. i'm gonna be on a look out for bella quotes! but everyone knows. edward's quotes are honestly the best. (sorry alice, sometims jacob has some pretty neeat sayings tooo).
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
braaaaain-deaaaaad, forsure this time
i studied so much today taht my brain refused to work any more. honestly. i was just sitting staring at that bio book for 20 min, and nothing went inside my brain. so i jsut took a break. a loong break. (: i guess i should start studying pretty soon. god this three day weekend is gooooood and helpfulll. :D ehh. im watching what i like about you. (: tee hee i love that show! well, i'm not at home right now. so no twilight quote, even though i got a reaaaaaaaaly prettty one. <3 OH TEH SCARIEST THING HAPPEND. well it wasnt taht scary, but more creepy. so after i wrote abotu how i hated my history teacher (previous post), he posted teh extra credit. CREEPY! woaaaaaaaaaaah. ok so byeess. (8
Saturday, March 28, 2009
brain dead?
today was major study, well actually this whole freaknig weekend is. i got soo much crap to do. D: how fun! -___- my history teacher is pissing me off. (i'm not gonna say who, but i think you would know). he hasnt put up the rest of the extra credit, which i do need. and i've emailed him, and others have tried to contact him through the internet (facebook) but he hasnt said anything?! WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM. ARGH. but yes. other than that, i'm sorta nervous for spanish presentation. i'm going first. acutally i volunteered. but still. i'm first. and i forgot to chekc if my power-point will work on sra. barry's computer. i hope it does. cus if not. there goes my A-. i think. haha. other than that, comp weeek. i hate. but ending on a good note, knott's berry farm is this weeek. (: the last time i went there was for teh end of the year 6th grade activity. THATS LONG TIME AGO. so i'm going to enjoi myselff. (: wanna come? and enjoi with me. that would make me very happy. (all yoru stuff is due on tuesday. call me if you need a permission slip>D i scanned it onto the computer, jsut incase. tee hee) but yes. i have to get back into studying. how fun! heres my eclipse quote for this post:
"Bella, I see what you're doing. You're trying to make everyone else happy. And i dont care about anyone else's feelings. i only need you to be happy. don't worry about breaking the news to alice. i'll take care of it. i promise she wont make you feel guilty"
"but i-"
"No. We're doing this your way. becuaes my way doesnt work. i call you stubborn, but look at what i've done. i've clung with such idiotic obstinacy to mide of what's best for you, though its only hurt you. hurt you so deeply, time and time again. i don't trust myself anymore. you can have happiness your way. my way is always wrong"
it started to sorta lose its spirit towards the end. but i think the beginning is such a beautiful thing to say to a girl. (: ahhhh. edward cullen <3
"Bella, I see what you're doing. You're trying to make everyone else happy. And i dont care about anyone else's feelings. i only need you to be happy. don't worry about breaking the news to alice. i'll take care of it. i promise she wont make you feel guilty"
"but i-"
"No. We're doing this your way. becuaes my way doesnt work. i call you stubborn, but look at what i've done. i've clung with such idiotic obstinacy to mide of what's best for you, though its only hurt you. hurt you so deeply, time and time again. i don't trust myself anymore. you can have happiness your way. my way is always wrong"
it started to sorta lose its spirit towards the end. but i think the beginning is such a beautiful thing to say to a girl. (: ahhhh. edward cullen <3
Thursday, March 26, 2009
woow. two posts in one day. so isabel's post was all pretty. and i cant make it pretty like hers. so here it is. the only one i dont agree with is : seriousness of your love. -______- total opposite.
and now. here is one of my favorite quotes from twilight series. i'm gonan put one at the end of every post (if its possible)
i feel so inspired. i'm gonna make this post all prettiful (: but honeslty. i cant beat isabel. ahah <3
i wnat to add another quiz that i took from isabel's link. (: sorry its soo long. and not prettty.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
and now. here is one of my favorite quotes from twilight series. i'm gonan put one at the end of every post (if its possible)
"I see that you can't live without him now. Its too late. But i would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun"
"I used to think of you that way, you know. Like the sun. My personal sun. You balanced out the coulds nicely for me"
"The clouds i can handle. But i can't fight with an eclispe"
"I used to think of you that way, you know. Like the sun. My personal sun. You balanced out the coulds nicely for me"
"The clouds i can handle. But i can't fight with an eclispe"
i feel so inspired. i'm gonna make this post all prettiful (: but honeslty. i cant beat isabel. ahah <3
i wnat to add another quiz that i took from isabel's link. (: sorry its soo long. and not prettty.
- You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
- You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
- You strictly follow rules, and you expect other people to be the same as well. People can get tired of you easily, as you can make them feel a little guilty about themselves. You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice. You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.
- Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
- Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
biome projecccct
hello ;D so i'm in teh media lab, and wer supposed to work on our biome project. witch we actually were. we are just taking a small little break cus we worked sooooooooo hard (: tiffany's blogging too. so go and look at her blog! AND CATHERINE IS FLIRTING. oh on that note, i was NEVER fliriting with dae hae like tiff said. she was just a tad bit high yesterday. :P so dont beliiieve her. (: this biome project is ehh. me and tiff have freshwateer biome. EGH! we actually got some stuff done though. i havnt blogged in like what, 2 days? but nothing happend. same old same old. i'm readign sections from ecclispe again. its such a pretty book. there are sooo many quotes that edward says that i honestly lovve. (: and thers one that jacob said. it was like " i can be your sun. i can chase teh clouds away. but i cant fight against an eclipse" i loooove that part (: i wish i had a guy like that. some guy who would tell me that he loves me all teh time, and tell me all these pretty things that edward says. (: but yea. i'm not gonna get one anytime soon. actually not for a whilllle. and i guess thats good... in a way? its called patience and waaiting. cus the perfect guy will come for me. (i hope x])now back to work. more of my love storries latter. (:
Monday, March 23, 2009
so its spirit weeek! and i totally forgot for sports day today. -____- thats soo easy for me. just wear basketball shorts. haha. so for tomorrow i made my costume and i think its soo cute. (: its battmannn! mwwhaha. and thats basically it (: nothing much going on. finals next week so i'm probably gonna start studying. argh. but thats it. (: third quarters almost up. and i cant waaaaait for school to end. OH. i'm gonna be a reaaly good publiciseer right now. ;D
when: april 3rd, next friday
who: class of 2012 and 2011
why: to rellieve all of that finals stress (:
time: 1-6 (sorry, knotts closes at 6)
how much: $25, unless you have an anual pass. with an annual pass, its $2 :O
turn in your permission slip and money to sharon by next tuesday. NO EXCEPTIONS. (permission slips are in your sceince classes)
when: april 3rd, next friday
who: class of 2012 and 2011
why: to rellieve all of that finals stress (:
time: 1-6 (sorry, knotts closes at 6)
how much: $25, unless you have an anual pass. with an annual pass, its $2 :O
turn in your permission slip and money to sharon by next tuesday. NO EXCEPTIONS. (permission slips are in your sceince classes)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
i wish friday went slower. and slower. actually, i wish friday never happend, and the results never happend. ever. i was crushed. i am still crushed.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
tomorrow D:
a day has never been this long. excpet the last day of school, but i'm not gonna talk about that. BUT TODAY WAS SO LONG. i just wanted today to disapeer. but tomorrow. arggggh. thats gooing to take foreeeeeever. all i want to do is see thoes election results. honestly. this post is so pointless. so i'm gonna put a picture. and a song (: so first:

song: you can, david archuleta
Take me where I've never been
Help me on my feet again
Show me that good things come to those who wait
Tell me I'm not on my own
Tell me I won't be alone
Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Baby, when you look at me
Tell me what do you see
Are these the eyes of someone you could love?
'Cause everything that brought me here
Well, now it all seems so clear
Baby, you're the one that I've been dreaming of
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love
Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes
Bring me to my knees and make me cry
And no one's ever done this
Everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know
This is where it all begins
So tell me it will never end
I can't fool myself, it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Show me that good things come to those who wait
most pointless post ever. ever ever ever.

song: you can, david archuleta
Take me where I've never been
Help me on my feet again
Show me that good things come to those who wait
Tell me I'm not on my own
Tell me I won't be alone
Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Baby, when you look at me
Tell me what do you see
Are these the eyes of someone you could love?
'Cause everything that brought me here
Well, now it all seems so clear
Baby, you're the one that I've been dreaming of
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love
Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes
Bring me to my knees and make me cry
And no one's ever done this
Everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know
This is where it all begins
So tell me it will never end
I can't fool myself, it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can
Show me that good things come to those who wait
most pointless post ever. ever ever ever.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
wooooooow. ):
today had 2 surprises:
so the first one, wasnt really a suprise, but i was still like :O dang it. and its not a good "surprise either". THERE ARE SOO MANY PEOPLE IN OUR CLASS! and its soo hard to be not nervous! arggggh. i screweed up completely ): i think i'll be going to a pity party on friday. ): well good job to all the other speeches.
2nd surprise happend RIGHT NOW!! and i'm just totally like :O wooow. like wooooooow. and not a goood wooww. but more like, wooow, how could "person" do that. argh. i go on facebook, and go on my friends wall. right? cus i need to get some infromation (not wall stocking, but more like, wahts his aim sn). and guess who i seee has written a post? PERSON! THAT SAME PERSON THAT MADE ME FEEL SO BAD FOR THE FIRST FEW MONTHS OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. the saame person i wrote about in some other post. thats not even the sad part. person didnt even accept the friend request. :O HONESTLY! NO ONE IS THAT MUCH OF A JERK! its just a freind request, all you have to do is "accept". its not like i'm gonna post on person's wall every day. ARGH. that just makes me HATE person more. GOD. THAT PERSON IS SUCH A JERK. low-life. such a great way to make my mood bettter. -___________-
i'm gonna say somethng positive, so this post isnt completley sad. so i made tiffany her birthday pressent, and it is GORGEOUS! i never knew that it was even posssible, and i'm soo proud of my self (:
so the first one, wasnt really a suprise, but i was still like :O dang it. and its not a good "surprise either". THERE ARE SOO MANY PEOPLE IN OUR CLASS! and its soo hard to be not nervous! arggggh. i screweed up completely ): i think i'll be going to a pity party on friday. ): well good job to all the other speeches.
2nd surprise happend RIGHT NOW!! and i'm just totally like :O wooow. like wooooooow. and not a goood wooww. but more like, wooow, how could "person" do that. argh. i go on facebook, and go on my friends wall. right? cus i need to get some infromation (not wall stocking, but more like, wahts his aim sn). and guess who i seee has written a post? PERSON! THAT SAME PERSON THAT MADE ME FEEL SO BAD FOR THE FIRST FEW MONTHS OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. the saame person i wrote about in some other post. thats not even the sad part. person didnt even accept the friend request. :O HONESTLY! NO ONE IS THAT MUCH OF A JERK! its just a freind request, all you have to do is "accept". its not like i'm gonna post on person's wall every day. ARGH. that just makes me HATE person more. GOD. THAT PERSON IS SUCH A JERK. low-life. such a great way to make my mood bettter. -___________-
i'm gonna say somethng positive, so this post isnt completley sad. so i made tiffany her birthday pressent, and it is GORGEOUS! i never knew that it was even posssible, and i'm soo proud of my self (:
I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don’t believe it makes me real
I thought it’d be easy
But no one believes me
I meant all the things I said
~ sum 41, pieces.
But nothing was worth it
I don’t believe it makes me real
I thought it’d be easy
But no one believes me
I meant all the things I said
~ sum 41, pieces.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
st. pattty's day!
WOW! i havnt blogged in soo long. and soo many things happend. soo
saturday: i went to bolsa chica beach clean up. and there were four ppl there. how fun -____- me chris jeremy and this other guy. and i took my camera there right? and then it feell out! so basically I LOST MY CAMERA. right before my birthday. and thats not very fuun cus my dad got reallly mad at me. then like 30 min later, the lady called and was like "OMG we found your camera" and i was like HELL YEA. HOLY SHATNIPS. that was the most topsy-turvy day EVVVVVVVVER.
sunday: i did nothing. haha. i then at night, like at 8, i realized we had a brannen quiz. and i didnt have a book. and it was gonna take a long time to read it. so YAAY SPARK NOTES! that helps dude (: but it doesnt give you a really high grade. so next time, imma read it! haha.
monday: i was totally working on my speech. and it was soo uncreative. ): and i was like. oh shoot. this speech is important. so i treeid my very very best to make it better. go and support all of us tomorrow at the meeting. (:
tuesday (t0day): WAS MY BIRHTDAY YAAY! and i didnt get punched or pinch that much today. but keley hit me like what, 5 times? but it was HURTFUL. that girl is sooo strong. never abuse her, she will hurt you ;D and then i got soo many cards. yay! i love cards. cards and CAKES. mmmm. i got soo many cakes tooo :D that made me really really happy. so my bff anusha got me one. reallly she made it to me. and when i got it during hmrm, it was waaaaaaaarm. like out of the oven warm. and then tiffany gave me when (she stole it from her granpa. hahah.). and i didnt eat that yet. and alice cho baked one too and it lookss so good. tiffany said it tasted like doughnuts (cus she got one too). and when i walked home, my mom made me one too! :O and that was freaaaaaaaaaaaking good. so i'm gonna get reaaly fat before that fitness gram thing. ahahh. (: but yea. so after i write this, i get to do my homework then off to souplantaion (vegetarian heaaaaven). and then i need to practice my speech. go watch me gusy (well you have to). and VOTE FOR ME. yaaay (: so yea. and i'm reaaly exctided/nervous.
so we have soo many birthdays coming up. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID (3/18), TIFFANY (3/19), MRS. IMPROTA (3/19), KAAJAL (3/20), AVI (3/23), CHRIS (3/24), AND NANDI (3/27). i love you guys. thanks for everything today. (:
saturday: i went to bolsa chica beach clean up. and there were four ppl there. how fun -____- me chris jeremy and this other guy. and i took my camera there right? and then it feell out! so basically I LOST MY CAMERA. right before my birthday. and thats not very fuun cus my dad got reallly mad at me. then like 30 min later, the lady called and was like "OMG we found your camera" and i was like HELL YEA. HOLY SHATNIPS. that was the most topsy-turvy day EVVVVVVVVER.
sunday: i did nothing. haha. i then at night, like at 8, i realized we had a brannen quiz. and i didnt have a book. and it was gonna take a long time to read it. so YAAY SPARK NOTES! that helps dude (: but it doesnt give you a really high grade. so next time, imma read it! haha.
monday: i was totally working on my speech. and it was soo uncreative. ): and i was like. oh shoot. this speech is important. so i treeid my very very best to make it better. go and support all of us tomorrow at the meeting. (:
tuesday (t0day): WAS MY BIRHTDAY YAAY! and i didnt get punched or pinch that much today. but keley hit me like what, 5 times? but it was HURTFUL. that girl is sooo strong. never abuse her, she will hurt you ;D and then i got soo many cards. yay! i love cards. cards and CAKES. mmmm. i got soo many cakes tooo :D that made me really really happy. so my bff anusha got me one. reallly she made it to me. and when i got it during hmrm, it was waaaaaaaarm. like out of the oven warm. and then tiffany gave me when (she stole it from her granpa. hahah.). and i didnt eat that yet. and alice cho baked one too and it lookss so good. tiffany said it tasted like doughnuts (cus she got one too). and when i walked home, my mom made me one too! :O and that was freaaaaaaaaaaaking good. so i'm gonna get reaaly fat before that fitness gram thing. ahahh. (: but yea. so after i write this, i get to do my homework then off to souplantaion (vegetarian heaaaaven). and then i need to practice my speech. go watch me gusy (well you have to). and VOTE FOR ME. yaaay (: so yea. and i'm reaaly exctided/nervous.
so we have soo many birthdays coming up. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID (3/18), TIFFANY (3/19), MRS. IMPROTA (3/19), KAAJAL (3/20), AVI (3/23), CHRIS (3/24), AND NANDI (3/27). i love you guys. thanks for everything today. (:
Friday, March 13, 2009
friday the thirteenth.
yeaa. so nothing scary happend today. or evil (: which was good to know. surprisinly, i dont have much homework this weekend. yippee. which gives me a lot a lot of time to work on my speeech D: GAH! SPEECH. GAH ELECTIONS. GAH VOTING! i'm soo freaking nervous. talkng inn front of 175 peoppples. well there probably not payiing attention anyways, but still its soo nerve-racking. i dont even know what to talk about. and the most important fact is that the speech WILL count. D: poeple (the ones listening) will vote depending on mine/ralph/willys speech. so this MUST be good or i might have just lost my chance. soo if you have ideas. or wannna help. please do! i wonder, if i memorize it, if it would have a bigger effect. well wer all gonna sufffer (me, shivanit, alice, charles, ralph) woow, i didnt realize how many ppl from our group is running. lucky joe pang. haha ."vote for me and dont abstain. but even if you do, i still win" its soo easy for him. lucky him. i remember for 8th grade cabinet, i was so unprepared cus i was unopposed. and alice had this whole speech written out, and she was totally worrying. HHAHAH! but anyways, im a nervous-wreck right now. maybe i shouuld like chill down for a while ;D and not think about it. or think about it in a bettter way. like an EXCITING WAY! oohh good. not really worrkingg. watch my misery.
hmm. i cant think of a song that works with this postt. OH, SORTA GOT ONE!
i'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
life is a maze
and love is riddle.
i dont know where to go
cant do it alone, i've tried
and i dont know whhy.
~the show, lenka
hmm. i cant think of a song that works with this postt. OH, SORTA GOT ONE!
i'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
life is a maze
and love is riddle.
i dont know where to go
cant do it alone, i've tried
and i dont know whhy.
~the show, lenka
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
today was a pretty boring day, with nothing much to do. and thats not usually goood because that makes me think. think about things i dont want to think about. but my brain just wanders around and it connects things, that dont need to be connected. so the overall issue: i thought about things i tried to forgot. and generally thats not good. cus you know why? it makes you saddd. and its no fun being sad. but today, i wasnt sad, but i wasnt happy. its like reading a book and felt like you read it for no reason (cus it wasnt that good) but your glad you read it. now replace that with a friend! and thats my old somewhat-resolved problem. but i feeel bettter. its "persons" loss that such a good connection was burried away. and i have good friends that make-up for my so-called loss. (this is what happens when i have no homework -______-)
where did i go wrong?
i lost a friend
somewhere along
where the bitterness ends.
~ how to save a life, the fray
where did i go wrong?
i lost a friend
somewhere along
where the bitterness ends.
~ how to save a life, the fray
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
hershy's chocolate, but with out the chocolate
you know, some things just make you mad and you don't know why. its just a feeling, of pure like MADNESS! and you become emotional.
you listen to a beautiful song, and just want to cry. you see a cat with limp, and you want to hurt the thing that injured the cat.
and what makes it more frustrating is that its not possible you! and you just want to ask, WHAT IS THIS LIFE? whyy? what is so special. we are born, we achieve, then we die. do we achieve just to die? does it even matter?do we have to be the best? always the one winning? is there even a need for competiion? there is no point. and yet, here we are. facebooking, chatting, blogging. but why? there is no reason. what if everyone were to themselves?
no friends, no family. your on your own. living. surviving. survival of the fittest.
and then you realize, you live for your friends. every new day that the sun rises, we are eager to see those faces that brighten our lives. where would we be with out them? no where.
seasons are changing,
waves are crashing,
and stars are falling all for us,
days grow longer
and nights grow shorter.
will you be there when fate plays with my life, our life?
you listen to a beautiful song, and just want to cry. you see a cat with limp, and you want to hurt the thing that injured the cat.
and what makes it more frustrating is that its not possible you! and you just want to ask, WHAT IS THIS LIFE? whyy? what is so special. we are born, we achieve, then we die. do we achieve just to die? does it even matter?do we have to be the best? always the one winning? is there even a need for competiion? there is no point. and yet, here we are. facebooking, chatting, blogging. but why? there is no reason. what if everyone were to themselves?
no friends, no family. your on your own. living. surviving. survival of the fittest.
and then you realize, you live for your friends. every new day that the sun rises, we are eager to see those faces that brighten our lives. where would we be with out them? no where.
seasons are changing,
waves are crashing,
and stars are falling all for us,
days grow longer
and nights grow shorter.
will you be there when fate plays with my life, our life?
craazy tuesday!
today was crazy tuesday, and i didnt do anything after school D: and i dont have much homework either. YIPEE!! free day perhaps? actually no, i have to start studying for mid-terms ): thats not much fun at alll. maybe i can read brsinger. haha YES! i'm gonna read for an extra hour or so todaaay. i dont get this blogging thing at all. -_____- its very confusing, so i need help. its confusing, and my blog thing is sooo plaiin. its so BLANK. like nothing is on there i havnt had much time to figure it out either. with elections going on, and my muscle spasm (which is totaally getting better :D) and a whole bunch of other stuff, i havnt had much time. ): maybe after m
arch i'll get some time for myself! that seems soo exciting. (:
Saturday, March 7, 2009
first post!
my first post (: so today was reserved for elections ;D and it was fun, but it took so long. we took 5 hours on two posters. thats sorta badd ): and i stilll need to make necklaces and two more posters. how fun!! other than that, theres nothing much, excpet that we lose an hour tomorrow ): thats not faiir. haha. well anways, good luck to everyone whos running!
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