Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
my wall is slowly building up
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
whenever something good happens. SOMETHING ELSE JUST HAS TO BREAK IT. and ruin it. and mess it up. honestly god, is it that hard to keep one little girl happy for atleast a week? is that so much to ask?
but thank you (sarcastic). DO YOU THINK THAT MY SKIN WILL GET THICKER? and i'll be less sensitive or something? cus im not one oridnary girl. and that won't happen. i am a sensitive.stressed.paranoid.emotional girl. and breaking me like this into pieces just make me worse. i cry a lot. i think too much for one thing. and im super paranoid. and im not a daring person. thats a lot of negative qualities to put in one person. dont you think? so why do you choose ME to get all of this?
if you're planning on breaking me bit by bit. and making it hurt. well good job. its working perfectly. congradulations. now why dont you just break my completely. im in such a position that i can probably handle it now. i just hate how its like good thing. WAIT HOLD UP. HUGE BAD THING that takes over good thing. cant you just give all the bad things at once? let me just be a failure.
love a child you messed up on,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
i feel very OILKJGAIUT right now. not the MAD LAKSDI one. the sad LJEITU one. x] and i feel insecure.
thanks for making me feel insecure and not so good about myself _____. UGH.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
this is strictly a rant.
i hate it how everyone's blaming us. and i hate it how no one knows boht sides of the story. so their just assuming. and i hate it how all of us are making this even bigger than it already is. and i hate it how everyone pretends to be nice at school. and they become so mean online. i hate it how all these relationships are breaking, and i dont want them broken. and i dotn want plastic relatiobships. cus its just gonan break again. i want one thats like a tree. always growing and always beautiful. i hate it how i only have a few "tree relationships" and i hate it how our 3day weekend got ruined. and i hate it how we dont even know who to trust anymore. and knowing wether that smile is fake or not. and im just so lost. and i just wanna disspear. and not be part of this anymore.
Monday, February 8, 2010
:D :) :^) :O Which one do you like the best???
I LIKE THIS QUESTION! :D uhm. i like <3 the best. but i think you forgot to put it. HEHE. so i would choooose :D
Saturday, February 6, 2010
why are you so annoying and untrustworthy? and freeload so much?
what is with you and your formspring bullying? say it to my FACE and stop hiding behind the computer.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
afraz: 1 through 10. ;)
LOLS. its between 1-10. ;]
Do you like Afraz Khan? (: kekekeke. LOL JK. It's Marissaaaa. :D andandandand i'm bored and not sleepyyy. x) YAY DECO MEETING TOMORROW -_-
what an interesting sadies meeting today! yes yes? (: you know whats gonna be MORE interesting. when you ask chris to sadies. :D HEHEHEH.
mchrissa <3
Do you think the new kid is cool? *wink wink*
HEHEH. he's reserved for someone else. WINK WINK.
afraz: 1 through 10. ;)
yesnomaybeso! ;]
Do you like Afraz Khan? (: kekekeke. LOL JK. It's Marissaaaa. :D andandandand i'm bored and not sleepyyy. x) YAY DECO MEETING TOMORROW -_-
what an interesting sadies meeting today! yes yes? (: you know whats gonna be MORE interesting. when you ask chris to sadies. :D HEHEHEH.
mchrissa <3
Do you think the new kid is cool? *wink wink*
HEHEH. he's reserved for someone else. WINK WINK.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
rock bottom.
so yeaah. (: i hate it how my mood can change so quicklly. becuase of one thing. i can be super super HYPER. and liek WOAH. YEAAY. THATS SO COOL. and then like a minute later its like "i hate life. wth. why. this is so unfaaair" and like full on "life is suckish" mode.
i sorta cant wait for formal <3 its in like 2 weeks. but that means comps. :(
oh myy.
what i need in life right now:
-someone to cheer me upp. and noticcee when i have that fake smile on. cus behind that mask theres so much misery. and pain. and emotions that are just DIEING to come out.
-a comforting hug. not one of those "oh. hi. whatsup hugs" one of those "omg. i know what your going throuugh, gimme me a hug." and those ones that just make you feel better for like 5 minutes.
i had a longer list than that. but yeaah. this is the result of me not being me.
i hope this little phase of mine passess soon. cus im honeslty not enjoing itt. and this is not the way i want all of sophomore year to be.
i wish you would notice. i wish that things could change. i wish that i was her. but these are all wishes. and wishes don't come truee. so i guess that im stuck here. stuck with being unnoticed. with being "the below average". stuck with no change, and the same thing over and over again. stuck with being myself. im not the one. and i will never be the one. once you've hit rock bottom, i dont think there is any way to go any lower or any higher. so i might as well get used to this scenary. dark, saddening, unwanted... and surprisingly, its pretty easy to get used to.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
thank you isabel
BUT. isabel chua! thank you for helping me out through wintter. breaak. <3 you dont know how mucch that helped mee. x]
i feel like ishould write more here, dearie. but i know you understand me. ;]
"love is found in unexpected places. it is there in the quite moment when we first discover a beautiful thing"
winter adventures!
Dec18: dinner party!
dec19: eagle project helping. makeup party (anusha, and kals)
dec20: park. jeremy, isabel, alice
dec21: volunteering. TS practice. park!
dec22: nothing? :O
dec23: movie marathon (isabel and allen), IC winter potluck!
dec24: family time! x]
dec25:christmas party (anusha)
dec26: temple (relatives)
dec27: spanish project (jen ding, amy hsu, alice lee)
dec28: sherlock holmes (allen and angela)
dec29: study for permit test.
dec30: anusha's house
dec31: new year's ever party. permit test.
jan1: sleepover (anusha's)
jan2: family time!
jan3: hw. ):
okay. im pretty sure i messed up the first couple of daays. x] esp. dec22 HAHAAH.
wow. i did alot :O time to crank up that studying.
Friday, January 1, 2010
2. dont change the unchangeable.
3. try my best in everything.
4. be optimistic.
5. dont worry in little details, cus in the future. it wont matter.
6. live in the moment.
7. learn to appreciate myself.