Saturday, March 13, 2010

dear god,
whenever something good happens. SOMETHING ELSE JUST HAS TO BREAK IT. and ruin it. and mess it up. honestly god, is it that hard to keep one little girl happy for atleast a week? is that so much to ask?

but thank you (sarcastic). DO YOU THINK THAT MY SKIN WILL GET THICKER? and i'll be less sensitive or something? cus im not one oridnary girl. and that won't happen. i am a sensitive.stressed.paranoid.emotional girl. and breaking me like this into pieces just make me worse. i cry a lot. i think too much for one thing. and im super paranoid. and im not a daring person. thats a lot of negative qualities to put in one person. dont you think? so why do you choose ME to get all of this?

if you're planning on breaking me bit by bit. and making it hurt. well good job. its working perfectly. congradulations. now why dont you just break my completely. im in such a position that i can probably handle it now. i just hate how its like good thing. WAIT HOLD UP. HUGE BAD THING that takes over good thing. cant you just give all the bad things at once? let me just be a failure.

love a child you messed up on,


  1. God does these things to you because he knows you're strong enough to handle them. He knows that you have faith! & He knows you're ahmazing and will be able to get through any obstacles He puts you through!

    Anyone who doesn't seehow ahmazing you are should seriously go to a shrink cause something's obviously wrong with them.

    but im lazy :3
