i got my haircut! on monday. X) its short. (super short) and layered. and i like it. :D (that's something new cus i always hate my haircuts!) ahahahah. usually they mess up. but this time its pretty good. i could leave my hair down, when its curly and it would not look bad. well. after i straighten it looks kinda bad. cus teh layers aren't really even. but i still like it.
so i tried to dye my hair yesterday. like a mahogany brown. but it didnt work. well sorta. you could see the brown in the sun. and my black isnt as dark anymore. its still black though. HAHAHAHA. SO YEAAH. i waste 2.97 on hair dye that doesnt work.
uhm. there isnt much to write today. i read isabel's artlice thign. :O it was so. ;OIGHkjagkhioagh. yeah. i dont know what to say.
uhhmmmmmmmmmm. yeah. bad post. X)
woah i'm so unobservant. i totally didn't even notice that you cut your hair. i'll look tomorrow! :D